xxivWhat Can I Do with This Machine?NoticeThis equipment meets the applicable Industry Canada Terminal Equipment TechnicalSpecifications. This is confirmed by the registration number. The abbreviation, IC,before the registration number signifies that registration was performed based on aDeclaration of Conformity indicating that Industry Canada technical specifications weremet. It does not imply that Industry Canada approved the equipment.Cet appareil est conforme aux Spécifications techniques des équipements terminauxde I’lndustrie du Canada.Ceci est confirmé par le numéro d’enregistrement. L’abréviation IC précédant lenuméro d’enregistrement signifie que I’enregistrement a été effectué sur la base de laDéclaration de conformité indiquant que le produit est conforme aux spécificationstechniques du Canada. Ceci n’implique pas que le produit ait été approuvé parI’industrie du Canada.Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to beconnected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipmentmust also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. The customershould be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not preventdegradation of service in some situations.Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designatedby the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, orequipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to requestthe user to disconnect the equipment.Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections ofthe power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, areconnected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.