Chapter 1414-1214.3.11.2 Detailed Discussions of Bit 0 0016-2029Select whether to use the V.8 protocol when calling. If NO is selected, the V.8 protocol is inhibited at calling and the V.21 protocol is used. Detailed Discussions of Bit 1 0016-2030Select whether to use the V.8 protocol when called. If NO is selected, the V8 protocol is inhibited when called and the V.21 protocol is used. Detailed Discussions of Bit 2 0016-2031If ANSam signal is not received during transmission, select whether to use the V.8 protocol when the other fax machine declares the V.8 protocol in DIS signal. IfNO is selected, the CI signal is not transmitted and the V.8 protocol is not used even if the DIS that specifies the V.8 protocol is received.The V.8 late start is not executed during manual transmission regardless of this setting. Detailed Discussions of Bit 3 0016-2032Select whether to declare the V.8 protocol in DIS signal for reception. If NO is selected, the V.8 protocol cannot be used because it is not declared in DIS signal.The V.8 late start is not executed during manual reception regardless of this setting. Detailed Discussions of Bit 4 0016-2033Select whether the receiver falls back during V.34 reception. If 'Prohibit' is selected, the receiver does not fall back. Detailed Discussions of Bit 5 0016-2034Select whether the transmitter falls beck during V.34 transmission. If 'Prohibit' is selected, teh transmitter does not fall back.14.3.12 SSSW-SW3014.3.12.1 List of Functions 0016-2035T-14-1414.3.12.2 Detailed Discussions of Bit 5 0016-2036When "Detect with the new method" is selected, tone is detected for 3.5 seconds before call origination in order to discriminate between dial tone and voice. If dialtone is detected and the time since line seizure is 3.5 seconds or longer, call origination takes place immediately. If the time since line seizure is less than 3.5 seconds,call origination takes place after waiting for 1 second. (If the time since line seizure reaches 3.5 seconds during the 1-second waiting period, call origination takesplace immediately. By default, "Detect with a new method" is assigned for this SW.14.4 Menu Switch Settings (MENU)14.4.1 Menu Switch Composition 0016-2042T-14-155 V.34 transmission fallback Prohibited Not prohibited6 not used - -7 not used - -Bit Function 1 00 Not used - -1 Not used - -2 Not used - -3 Not used - -4 Not used - -5 New dial tone detection method Detect with the newmethod.Detect with theexisting method.6 Not used - -7 Not used - -No. Function Range of settings005 NL equalizer 1: ON, 0: OFF006 telephone line monitor 0:DIAL, 1:SERVICEMAN1, 2:SERVICEMAN2, 3:OFF007 transmission level (ATT) from 0 to 15 (ex: 15= -15 dBm)008 V.34 modulation speed upperlimit0:3429, 1:3200, 2:3000, 3:2800, 4:2743, 5:2400009 V34 data speed upper limit 0:33.6 kbps, 1:31.2 kbps, 2:28.8 kbps, 3:26.4 kbps, 4:24.0 kbps,5:21.6 kbps, 6:19.2 kbps, 7:16.8 kbps, 8:14.4 kbps, 9:12.0 kbps,10:9.6 kbps, 11:7.2 kbps, 12:4.8 kbps, 13:2.4 kbps010 Frequency of pseudoring signal 0:50 Hz, 1:25 Hz, 2:17 Hz, 3:20 HzBit Function 1 0