Basic Printing123 Specify the required settings.(1) Select PPrint from the application software's FFile menu.Note • When you select the print mode appropriate to your document fromthe PPrint Mode, the document will be printed in color and printquality suited to the characteristics of the MMedia Type you haveselected.Printing a top-quality photo: Select when printing documentsconsisting mainly of photographs and graphics featuring fine colorgradation.Printing tables and charts: Select when printing documentsconsisting mainly of graphs and graphics (illustrations) with strongcolor definition.Printing a composite document: Select when printing documentsconsisting mainly of text.Detailed Setting: You can fine-tune the Print Quality and Halftoningsettings.See "AAdjusting Print Quality" on page 15.• For details about other printer driver functions, refer to “PrinterDriver Functions” in theUser’s Guide or Help.• Double-clicking the name of your printer in the Printer list displays adialog that prompts you to confirm the status of the print job(s). Tocancel a job in progress, select the desired document, then clickDelete. To temporarily stop a job in progress, click PPause. To cancelall the jobs in the list, click SStop Printing.(3) Select the MMedia Typefrom the pop-up menu.(4) Select the print modeappropriate to yourdocument from the PPrintMode.(2) Select QQuality & Mediafrom the pop-up menu.(5) Click PPrint.