Unregistered People ViewYou can register names to the images whose face areas have been automatically detected.Click Unregistered People in Global Menu to switch to the Unregistered People view.NoteIdentifying people... appears instead of Unregistered People during image analysis.Image analysis only applies to JPEG, TIFF, and PNG image files saved in the folders set to besubject to image analysis, or their subfolders. See "Image Analysis Settings Tab" for how to setfolders that are subject to image analysis.(1) Representative Thumbnail Area(2) Thumbnails Area(3) Operation Buttons(4) Display Size Setting Bar(1) Representative Thumbnail AreaDisplays the thumbnail of the face area in the first identified image among the images identified as those ofthe same person.Click Register name and enter a name to register the name to images in the Thumbnails area that areidentified as those of the same person, at once.(2) Thumbnails AreaDisplays the thumbnails of face areas in images identified as those of the same person, in a group.Click Register name and enter a name to register the person's name image by image.(3) Operation ButtonsNoteNew Art and Create/Edit PDF File appear only in the thumbnail view.Specify Person and (Previous File/Next File) appear only in the details view.