S HORT COURSES (HTTP ://WWW. SHORTCOURSES .COM)17LINKING SPOT METERING TO THE AF FRAME1. With the camera on and in any Creative Zone mode, pressMENU.2. Press the down point on the Omni Selector to highlight SpotAF Point and press the left or right point to select Center (thedefault) or AF Point.3. Press MENU to confirm the setting and hide the menu.4. Press the SET/AF Frame button, then press the left or rightpoint on the Omni Selector to select the AF frame to beused for both focus and spot metering.5. Press the Metering button to display the spot metering iconon the display panel and monitor. Square brackets insidethe active AF frame indicate which frame is being used formetering.USING FOCUS LOCK FOR MAXIMUM DEPTH OF FIELD1. Point the camera so the area you want to focus on is in thecrosshairs in the viewfinder or active AF frame. In alandscape, pick something about one-third of the waybetween you and the horizon. For other scenes, picksomething to focus on that’s one-third of the way back fromthe nearest point you want to be sharp.2. Press the shutter button halfway down until the camerabeeps and the top indicator next to the viewfinder glowsgreen or orange. The focus is now locked in.3. Without releasing the shutter button, recompose the sceneand press the shutter button the rest of the way down totake the picture.INCREASING DEPTH OF FIELD■ Photograph in bright sun so the aperture closes down.■ Zoom the lens out to a wider angle of view.■ Move farther away from the subject.■ Switch to aperture-priority mode (page 30) or use programshift (page 43) and select a small aperture such as f/8.■ Use manual focus (page 57) to set the focus to the hyperfo-cal distance.© COPYRIGHT 2001 BY D ENNIS P. CURTIN18■ Set the Mode Dial to Landscape or Pan Focus mode (page25).■ Photograph in bright sun so the aperture closes down.USING FOCUS LOCK FOR MINIMUM DEPTH OF FIELD1. Zoom the lens in to magnify the subject or move close to itand focus the camera on the subject you want sharpest, orslightly in front of it.2. Press the shutter button halfway down until the camerabeeps and the top indicator next to the viewfinder glowsgreen or orange. The focus is now locked in.3. Without releasing the shutter button, recompose the sceneand press the shutter button the rest of the way down totake the picture.DECREASING DEPTH OF FIELD■ Photograph in dim light so the aperture opens up. Wait for acloud to cover the sun.■ Zoom in on the subject.■ Move closer to the subject to decrease camera-subject distance.■ Set the Mode Dial to Portrait mode.CAPTURING CREATIVE BLUR■ Try blurring images in low-light situations. In bright light,the shutter will open and close too fast.■ Switch to shutter-priority mode (page 28) or use programshift (page 43) and select a slower shutter speed.■ Switch to Manual mode (page 31) and select a shutter speedas slow as 15 seconds.■ Turn the flash off when trying to blur nearby subjects (page89).ADJUSTING WHITE BALANCE1. With the camera on and in shooting mode, set the ModeDial to any mode other than Auto, Sepia, or BW and turnon the monitor.2. Press the White Balance (WB) button twice to display the