• If you agree to participate in survey program:Click Agree and follow the on-screen instructions. The printer usage information is sent via theInternet. Once you have completed the procedure, the information is subsequently sent automaticallyand the confirmation screen does not reappear.Note• If you clear the Send automatically from the next time check box, the information will not besent automatically the next time and the Inkjet Printer/Scanner/Fax Extended Survey Programicon will appear in the Dock at the time of the next survey.• If you do not agree to participate in survey program:Click Do not agree. The confirmation screen closes and the survey is skipped. The confirmationscreen will reappear one month later.• To stop sending the information:Click Turn off. This stops the Inkjet Printer/Scanner/Fax Extended Survey Program, and informationis not sent. To resume the survey, see Changing setting:.• To uninstall Inkjet Printer/Scanner/Fax Extended Survey Program:1. Stop Inkjet Printer/Scanner/Fax Extended Survey Program.Changing setting:308