Advanced Printing21 Opening the Printer Properties dialog box directly from the StartmenuThis method is used for maintenance operations such as print head cleaning, or tospecify printer settings common to all application programs.When the Printer PropertiesPrinter PropertiesPrinter PropertiesPrinter Properties dialog box is opened from the StartStartStartStart menu, additional tabsappear, including the DetailsDetailsDetailsDetails tab. These do not appear when the Printer Propertiesdialog box is opened from within an application.For further information about these additional tabs, refer to your Windowsdocumentation.1 Click Start and select Control Panel, Printers and Other Hardware, and thenPrinters and Faxes.For non-XP Windows, Click StartStartStartStart, select SettingsSettingsSettingsSettings, and then PrintersPrintersPrintersPrinters.2 Select the Canon i550 icon.3 Open the File menu and select Printing Preferences (or Properties).In Windows NT 4.0, Select Document Defaults….Document Defaults….Document Defaults….Document Defaults….The Printer PropertiesPrinter PropertiesPrinter PropertiesPrinter Properties dialog box opens.