COPYRIGHT © 2000 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR5000/iR6000 REV.0 JULY 2000 P 7CONTENTS4.5.2 Removing the LowerSeparation Claw ............... 6-35P4.6 Delivery Assembly ................. 6-36P4.6.1 Removing the ExternalDelivery Roller ................. 6-36P4.6.2 Removing the InternalDelivery Roller ................. 6-37P4.6.3 Adjusting the Positionof the Delivery FlapperSolenoid (SL5) ................. 6-38P4.7 Paper Sensor .......................... 6-39P4.7.1 Removing the Claw JamSensor .............................. 6-39P4.7.2 Removing the InternalDelivery Sensor ............... 6-39P4.7.3 Removing the DeliveryJam Sensor ....................... 6-40P4.7.4 Removing the ExternalDelivery Sensor ............... 6-41P4.8 Fixing Assembly Inlet GuideAssembly ............................... 6-42P4.8.1 Adjusting the Position ofthe Fixing Assembly InletGuide Solenoid (SL1) ...... 6-42P4.8.2 Adjusting the Position ofthe Fixing Assembly InletGuide ............................... 6-42PCHAPTER 7 EXTERNALS AND CONTROLS1. Control Panel .................................. 7-1P1.1 Outline ..................................... 7-1P2. Fans ................................................ 7-2P2.1 Arrangement, Functions, andError Codes .............................. 7-2P2.2 Operation .................................. 7-4P2.2.1 Controlling the Speed ......... 7-4P2.2.2 Sequence of Operations ..... 7-4P3. Power Supply ................................. 7-5P3.1 Power Supply ........................... 7-5P3.1.1 Outline ............................... 7-5P3.1.2 Distribution of PowerAmong Switches ................ 7-6P3.1.3 Output of Power Supplies ... 7-8P3.2 Rated Outputs of the DCPower Supply ........................... 7-9P3.3 Protection Mechanism ............ 7-10P4. Others ........................................... 7-12P4.1 Silent Mode ............................ 7-12P5. Disassembly and Assembly .......... 7-13P5.1.1 External Covers ................ 7-14P5.1.2 Removing the FrontCover ............................... 7-15P5.2 Arrangement of ElectricalParts (rear of the machine) ...... 7-16P5.3 Control Panel .......................... 7-18P5.3.1 Removing the ControlPanel ................................ 7-18P5.3.2 Removing the ControlPanel Control PCB andKeypad PCB .................... 7-18P5.3.3 Removing the TouchPanel ................................ 7-20P5.4 PCBs ...................................... 7-21P5.4.1 DC Controller PCB .......... 7-21P5.4.2 Main Controller Box andthe Main Controller PCB . 7-22P5.4.3 Power Supply PCB .......... 7-23P5.4.4 High-Voltage PowerSupply PCB ..................... 7-24P5.4.5 Accessories PowerSupply PCB ..................... 7-25P5.4.6 AC Driver PCB ............... 7-25P5.4.7 Motor Driver PCB ........... 7-26P5.4.8 Anti-Rush Current PCB ... 7-26P5.4.9 Serial Number PCB ......... 7-27P5.5 Fans ........................................ 7-28P5.5.1 Exhaust Fan ..................... 7-28P5.5.2 Feeding Fan ..................... 7-28P5.5.3 HDD Fan ......................... 7-29P5.5.4 DC Power Supply Fan ..... 7-29P5.6 Drive System .......................... 7-30P