Parts and Their Functions 1-11Introduction1One-Touch Speed Dialing Panels Openedaaaa Delayed Transmission keyPress to set a time for delayed sending.bbbb Advanced Communication keyPress to set a document for advancedcommunications such as polling sending/receiving, confidential mailbox, relay broadcast,and subaddress/password transmission.cccc Transfer keyPress to use the transfer mode, or to cancel it.dddd Memory Reception keyPress to turn ON/OFF the memory receptionfunction.eeee Space keyEnters a space between letters and numberswhen registering information.ffff Speaker volume switchAdjusts the speaker Volume in four levels.gggg Delete keyDuring a step when you are registering a name,press this key to delete the character youentered last.hhhh OK keyPress to set a mode or function.iiii , , , Cursor keysPress to scroll through options and selections inthe menus on the display during dataregistration, or to move the cursor left or rightduring data registration.jjjj Clear keyClears an entire entry during informationregistration.kkkk + keyPress this key to enter a plus sign in a faxnumber.llll Pin Code keyDisplays the PIN code message so you canenter a PIN code when dialing through a PBX(Public Branch Exchange).mmmm TTI Selector keyEnters a registered sender's name which isprinted at the top of the document you aresending.nnnn Stamp keySwitches the machine in and out of the Stampmode.oooo Report keyPrints reports about information registered in themachine.pppp Stack Bypass Settings keyPress to set the paper size for the stack bypass.qqqq Memory Reference keyPerforms operations with documents currentlystored in memory, including printing a list ofdocuments, printing documents, sendingdocuments to another destination, or deletingdocuments.DelayedTransmissionMemoryReferenceStack BypassSettingsAdvancedCommunication MemoryReceptionTransferReportStamp Pin CodeTTI SelectorDeleteSpaceOKClear+89B A 0CDEG F32 5 6 71 4