Make sure the computer is turned off.Make sure the machine’s power cord is plugged into a power outlet and themachine is connected to your computer using a parallel cable (cable not included).Turn on the computer. Start up Windows. PLUG and PLAY will activate and theFOUND NEW HARDWARE WIZARD (In Windows 95, New Hardware or DeviceWizard) dialog box appears. Click CANCEL.Set the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of your computer.Click NEXT.Add PrinterWizard dialog box(Local printer/Network printer)selection appears.Select the printer port,the machine isconnected to(usually LPT1:),then click NEXT.Add Printer Wizarddialog box (Printername) appears.If you select a port,other than the portD700 is connected to,COM: or FILE: port,the machine will notprint.Windows 95 / 98 / MeUse BROWSE… toselect the directory thatcontains the CAPT.For example, if you areusing the CD-ROM toinstall the CAPT onWindows 95/98, andyour CD-ROM drive isdrive D:, browse toD:\English\Win9x, andclick OK. Click FINISH.If you wish to changeprinter name, type anew name into the textbox.*If you want to set thisprinter as the defaultprinter, select YES.Click CanonPC1200/iC D700INSTALL button.ADD PRINTERWIZARD dialog boxappears.Select LOCALPRINTER, then clickNEXT.Add PrinterWizard dialog box(Manufacturers/printers)selection appears.Driver file selectiondialog appears.Click NEXT.Printer port selectiondialog box appears.ClickHAVE DISK… in theMANUFACTURERS/PRINTERS dialog box.THE INSTALL FROMDISK dialog boxappears.When the installationis complete, thefollowing dialog boxappears.To close the dialogbox, click OK.INSTALL PRINTER DRIVER (CAPT)6 ABCDE FG HI JKLMPARALLEL CABLE*If there already are other printer drivers installed on your computer,this option may not be displayed.12