11-8TroubleshootingNOT REGISTERED The telephone number youattempted to dial using aspeed dialing function wasnot registered.Register the telephonenumber before using thespeed dialing function.OUTPUT TRAY FULL The paper delivery tray is fullof paper.Remove the printouts fromthe paper delivery tray.PAPER JAM Paper jams have occurred inthe machine.Remove the jammed paper.The cover must be openedand closed to resume thecurrent job. If this messagedisappears while printingfrom a PC, press [Start] tobring the printer back on-line.PLATEN GLASS DIRTYCLEAN PLATEN GLASSThe ADF scanning area onthe left side of the platenglass may be dirty.Clean the ADF scanningarea, then press [OK].PLEASE WAIT This message appears whenturning on the main powerswitch, or when the machineis not ready for printing.Wait until the messagedisappears.RECEIVED IN MEMORY The machine received thefax in memory becausepaper or toner ran out, paperjams occurred, or incorrect-size paper was loaded.Load the correct-size paperin the paper cassette,replace the toner cartridge,or clear the paper jams. Formore information, see thefollowing:“Setting Paper Type andSize,” on p. 3-7“Replacing the TonerCartridge,” on p. 10-12“Clearing Jams,” on p. 11-1START AGAIN – A transmission erroroccurred because the linecondition was poor.– The paper jammed or ranout during printing areport.– Check the line condition,then try again.– Clear the paper jam, orreplenish the paper, thentry again.Message Description Action