Print Priority (*1) DescriptionImage A setting for posters or other documents made up mainly of photos or images, or foremphasizing photos or images in printed documents.Line Drawing/Text Choose this setting for CAD drawings made up mainly of intricate lines, or wallnewspapers and other notices with a large amount of text. Suitable for emphasizingdetailed text in printed documents.However, the quality may not be sufficient when printing photos or images that re-quire a lot of color coverage. In this case, choose Image instead.Office Document Choose this setting for better legibility of documents combining text and graphics,such as documents and presentation material created with typical office applications.*1: Options suitable for the selected type of paper are listed under Print Priority.• Print QualityChoose the print quality.The printing mode is determined by a combination of the print quality and resolution.Print Quality (*1) Description Print PriorityHighest A setting for printing at the highest resolutionwhen quality is most important. Printing takeslonger and consumes more ink than in othermodes, but this mode offers superior printingquality.ImageHigh Choose this setting to print at high resolutionwhen quality is most important.Printing takes longer and consumes more inkthan in Standard or Draft modes, but thismode offers exceptional printing quality.ImageLine Drawing/TextStandard Choose this setting to print at standard resolu-tion when quality and speed are both impor-tant.Printing takes less time than in Highest orHigh mode.ImageLine Drawing/TextOffice DocumentDraft Choose this setting to print faster.Printing in draft mode can help you work moreefficiently when checking layouts.ImageLine Drawing/Text*1: Options suitable for the selected Print Priority are listed under Print Quality.• Color SettingsSetting Item Options DescriptionColor Mode (*1) ColorMonochromeColor (CAD)Monochrome (BK ink)Monochrome BitmapNo color correctionChoose whether to print in color or mono-chrome.(See "Adjusting the Color in the Printer Driv-er →P.51 ")Color Adjustment CyanMagentaYellowGray ToneYou can adjust the levels of cyan, magenta,and yellow as well as the brightness, contrast,saturation, and gray tones.Enhanced Printing Options > Adjusting Images >iPF650 Giving Priority to Particular Graphic Elements and Colors for Printing261