Dividing an Original into Equal Sections and Enlarging Each Section on a SeparateCopy Sheet (Image Separation)2-39Useful Copy Functions2Dividing an Original into Equal Sections and EnlargingEach Section on a Separate Copy Sheet (Image Separation)This mode automatically divides an original into equal sections and copies each section inan enlarged form on a separate sheet of paper.The following four types of Image Separation features are available: 1 to 2 (1-sided and 2-sided copies), and 1 to 4 (1-sided and 2-sided copies).IMPORTANT• When the machine is operating in the Image Separation mode, you cannot use the Entire Image,Two-sided, Two-page Separation, Cover/Sheet Insertion, Booklet, Transparency Interleaving,Saddle Stitch, Frame Erase, Different Size Originals, Image Combination, or Image Repeatmodes.• Originals copied in the Image Separation mode must all be the same size. You cannot use theDifferent Size Originals mode in combination with the Image Separation mode.• Place the original on the platen glass. You cannot copy the original in the Image Separation modefrom the feeder.NOTE• The enlargement ratio is automatically set to match the designated paper size.■ 1 to 2Divides a one-sided original into two equal sections and outputs the sections in anenlarged form as two 1-sided copies or one 2-sided copy.NOTE• You can place LTR-size originals horizontally or vertically when using this feature. When placedvertically, each page is divided into upper and lower sections.2111 2Original Copiesor