Some Basic Facts About Fonts 6-116Appendix6Bar Code Fonts (PCL)BC3 of 9 ThinBC3 of 9 LightBC3 of 9BC3 of 9 SemiBoldBC3 of 9 HeavyCode 128Code 128 BoldCode 128 CondensedCode 128 CondensedBoldCode 128 ExpandedCode 128 Expanded BoldCodebarCodebar CondensedCodebar ExpandedInterleaved 2 of 5 LightInterleaved 2 of 5Interleaved 2 of 5 SemiInterleaved 2 of 5 BoldInterleaved 2 of 5 NarrowLightInterleaved 2 of 5 NarrowInterleaved 2 of 5 NarrowSemiInterleaved 2 of 5 NarrowBoldMSI PlesseyPostNetUPC/EANUPC/EAN BoldUPC/EAN CondensedUPC/EAN CondensedBoldUPC/EAN ExpandedUPC/EAN ExpandedBoldSymbol Sets (For Scalable Typefaces Only)The following symbol sets are included with the machine.ASCII (ISO6)BC3 of 9 BarcodeCode 128 BarcodeCodebarDesktopInterleaved BarcodeISO 8859-1 Latin 1ISO 8859-10 Latin 6ISO 8859-2 Latin 2ISO 8859-9 Latin 5ISO French (ISO69)ISO German (ISO21)ISO Italian (ISO15)ISO Norwegian (ISO60)ISO Spanish (ISO17)ISO Swedish:names(ISO11)ISO United Kingdom(ISO4)LegalMath-8MC TextMicrosoft PublishingMSI PlesseyPC-1004 (OS/2)PC-775PC-8PC-8 Danish/NorwegianPC-8 Greek AlternateCodePage437PC-850PC-852PC-860 PortugalPC-865 NorwayPC-TurkishPI FontPostNetPS MathPS TextRoman-8SymbolUPC/EAN BarcodeVentura InternationalVentura MathVentura USWindows 3.0 Latin 1Windows Baltic *Windows Latin 1 *Windows Latin 2 *Windows Latin 5 *Wingdings* Support the eurosymbol.PS FontsAlbertusMTAlbertusMT ItalicAlbertusMT LightAntiqueOlive RomanAntiqueOliveCE RomanAntiqueOlive ItalicAntiqueOliveCE ItalicAntiqueOlive BoldAntiqueOliveCE BoldAntiqueOlive CompactAntiqueOliveCE CompactApple ChanceryApple ChanceryCEArialMTArialCEArial ItalicMTArialCE ItalicArial BoldMTArialCE BoldArial BoldItalicMTArialCE BoldItalicAvantGarde BookAvantGardeCE BookAvantGarde BookObliqueAvantGardeCEBookObliqueAvantGarde DemiAvantGardeCE DemiAvantGarde DemiObliqueAvantGardeCEDemiObliqueBodoniBodoniCEBodoni ItalicBodoniCE ItalicBodoni BoldBodoniCE BoldBodoni BoldItalicBodoniCE BoldItalic