CarNetix PSU-PC12 V1.1 Installation Manual2.3 Connecting the WiresAfter you have set the jumpers for the options and performance of the PSU-PC12 you can connectthe input and output wiring. The steps outline below should be followed to insure proper operationof the PSU-PC12 and Xenarc SC3.Step 1 – Connect the input power and ignition to the PSU-PC12.Use heavy gauge wire directly connected to the battery (via 15A fuse and distribution block).4-8 GA wire is recommended if the SC3 runs a 2-3GHz processor. 8-10 GA wire isrecommended for lower speed processors. Using wire that is too small will cause the SC3 tonot survive engine cranking.Step 2 – Connect Ground to the PSU-PC12.We recommend that you either run another wire directly to the battery, or connect directly tothe car chassis for grounding the PSU-PC12. If you run a wire to the battery, make sure it isthat same size as your +12V battery wire used in step 1. If you run a ground wire to the car’schassis, make sure to find a secure ground that is not corroded or painted and use the samesize wire as your +12V battery wire used in step 1.Step 3 – Install optional Valet Switch.A simple SPST switch installed in series with the ignition wire will allow you to manuallydisable the PSU-PC12 so that it does not come on when the ignition is turned on. This isoptional and for convenience only.- 11 -