8Picture taking is a snapJust look through the viewfinder and press one button. Your camera’s prefocused lensmake sharp images of everything beyond 1.2 metre.Before your taking picturesInsert battery and micro-SD card. Checkthe mode selector button is set to cameramode. Then switch on your camera withsliding down the main power switch.Hold the cameraGrip it firmly in the palm of your lefthand. Place your right thumb behindthe camera and your index finger on theshutter button. Curl the other fingers intoyour palm.Aim and ShootBring your eye close to the viewfindereyepiece so you can see all four cornersinside the viewfinder.Move in close so your subject withinthe viewfinder , but not closer than 1.2meter. Squeeze the shutter buttongently and hold the camera verysteady until the system lamp finishflashing.at least1.2 meterOnce you squeeze the shutter button, photo will betaken and data will be saved in the memory card.System lamp will flash until all data is saved. DO NOTSHUT DOWN the camera at this moment, otherwise thecamera may be hanged.Squeeze the shutter button