3FIRING BOILERS WITH COMBUSTION CHAMBERSThe 702CRD burner operates with superior efficiencyand cleanliness in properly designed refractory-typecombustion chambers (Figure 4). Very wide tolerance toburner adjustments and other variables is found whenthese chambers are used.Table 1 shows the recommended minimum insidedimensions for refractory brick, refractory pre-cast andpre- formed refractory fiber chambers. Due to theirquick warm-up properties, the light, insulating-typematerials are slightly preferable although these burnersshow less dependence upon refractory temperaturethan previous models. Refractory materials in boilersand furnaces should be capable of withstanding2600°F (1427°C) or higher.The note accompanying Table 1 provides further detailsrelative to variations in dimensions and geometry.TABLE 1MINIMUM DIMENSIONS RECOMMENDED INREFRACTORY COMBUSTION CHAMBERS (Inches)High FireOil Delivery RateGPH @ 300 PSILength“L”Width“W”Dim.“C”SuggestedHeight“H”Min. Dia.VerticalCylinder5.95 19 13.5 7.0 13 176.80 23 14.5 7.0 14 217.65 27 15.0 7.5 15 258.50 32 15.5 8.0 15 309.35 34 16.0 8.0 16 3210.20 35 16.0 8.0 16 3311.05 37 16.5 8.5 16 3511.90 48 16.5 8.5 16 4612.75 55 16.5 8.5 16 53Note: These are minimum dimensions and each may be exceeded without mucheffect.FIRING BOILERS WITHOUT REFRACTORYCHAMBERSDepending upon the geometry of the combustionspace, some units perform better than others withoutrefractory (Figures 5 and 6). When the back wall of theunit coincides approximately with the end of the flame,a target of refractory material is usually required.Table 2 shows minimum dimensions required for goodcombustion without refractory. They may be exceededwithout much effect.TABLE 2.MINIMUM DIMENSIONS RECOMMENDED IN BOILERSFIRED WITHOUT COMBUSTION CHAMBERS (Inches)High FireOil Delivery RateGPH @ 300 PSI“L”WithTarget“L”WithoutTargetWidth“W”Dim.“C”Dim.“D”5.95 19 23 15.5 8.0 10.06.80 23 27 16.5 8.0 10.07.65 27 32 17.0 8.5 10.58.50 32 37 17.5 9.0 11.09.35 34 40 18.0 9.0 11.010.20 35 41 18.0 9.0 11.011.05 37 43 18.5 9.5 11.511.90 48 54 18.5 9.5 11.512.75 55 61 18.5 9.5 11.5Figure 4. Brick combustion chamber (side view).Figure 5. Wet leg boiler. No combustion chamber (sideview).Figure 6. Scotch Marine boiler. No combustion chamber.