© 2012, Carmanah Technologies Corporation. 63966_EG_Series_UserManual_RevBEG-SERIES USER MANUALEG 300 PRoGRAMMER6EG-Series ProgrammerThe programmer is used to program the EMS withthe correct operating profile for your application.The programmer is also used to test the EG-seriessystem to confirm correct operation. The programmeris powered by two AA batteries (not included), andcommunicates with the EG-series EMS using two-wayinfrared signals.The programmer has two buttons: Send and Test. TheSend button is used to upload the operating profile(parameters) to the EG-series EMS, while the Testbutton is used to test that the EG-series system isoperating correctly.The 12 knobs and switches on the programmercome pre-configured with the correct settings for yourapplication. If the knobs or switches get moved acci-dentally, return them to the positions indicated by thefaceplate label.NOTEThe EG-series uses two-waycommunication between theprogrammer and EMS. Thereforeeach EG-series EMS must beprogrammed one at a time.Problems arise when more thanone EMS is in range duringprogramming.The programmer has indicator lights and a beeperto convey status to the user. The following tablesummarizes the meanings of the lights and thebeeper:Feedback StatusThree short beeps & green OKlight ~5s after pressing/holdingSend buttonProgramming successfulOne long beep & red Errorlight ~5s after pressing/holdingSend buttonProgramming not successfulOne short beep after pressing/holding Test buttonTest command transmittedOne long beep & red Error lightimmediately after pressing Testor Send buttonReplace 2 X AA batteries inprogrammer