8. Reinstall all 6 wire connectors and the green groundwire.9. Carefully check all wiring connections before restoringpower.10. Verify the LOCAL/ENABLE-STOP-CCN switch is inSTOP position11. Restore control power. Verify the red and green lightson top of PSI0 and front of each DSIO module re-spond as described in Control Modules section onpage 64. The keypad and display module @IS10 or LID)should also begin its rotating display.12. Using the keypad and display module, press [p-&q,to verify that the software version number matches theER (engineering requirement) number shown on the PSI0label.13. Press [qnSRVC to verify that the 6 factory configurationcodes (CODE 1 through CODE 6) exactly match thecodes listed for this unit model on the component ar-rangement label diagram on the control box door. Ifthey are different or are all zeros, reenter the 6 codes.If any changes are required, the PSI0 display becomesblank and reconfigures itself after pressing the H keywhile displaying CODE 6. The display returns in ap-proximately 15 seconds.NOTE: Codes with leading zeros in the configurationwill be displayed starting with the first number greaterthan zero.14. Press nn4 sRvc to verify each item is configured as neededfor this particular installation. Table 9 shows the fac-tory configuration code default settings. Table 9 alsoshows the service replacement code default settings whichare used if no model number was specified when or-dering the replacement PSI0 module. It is strongly sug-gested that the Start-Up Checklist for Flotronic’” II ChillerSystems (completed at time of original start-up) be usedat this time to verify and/or reprogram the various op-tions and configurations required for this job.15. After completing the configuration steps outlined above,restore main power and perform a unit test as de-scribed in m H and r;lFl sections on page 38.16, Complete this procedure and restore chiller to normaloperation by returning the LOCAL/ENABLE-STOP-CCN switch to desired position.74