11User's ManualHeating operationHow to operate a wired remote controllerThis function increases the flow temperature in the indoor unit (hydro unit).It provides heat to indoors through the floor heating coil or radiators.Reference- Heating operation will not be activated when the desired temperature is set below thecurrent temperature reading.- Default setting of room temperature and the domestic hot water tank temperature are25℃ and 80℃, respectively.- Automatic heating operation refers to the operation of the heating system which selectsthe operating mode (heating, thermal storage, thermal storage and heating at the sametime) based on the automatic detection of the domestic hot water tank temperature andthe room temperature by the system itself.Room temperature settings● To set the room temperature, press the ROOM button first,and then press the TEMP/TIME adjust buttons (▲, ▼) toadjust the temperature settings.(only available in an indoor environment where a wiredremote controller is installed)- You can adjust the temperature setting by 1℃ per onetime pressing in a range from 17 to 30℃.- How to set the room temperature: When you push the Room button, a " " display isprompted, and the temperature reading flickers at1-second intervals.: The " " display disappears 3 seconds after setting iscompleted and the " " display is activated.In addition, the temperature displays the current roomtemperature.This function sets the desired room temperature. The current room temperature is displayed3 seconds after changing the room temperature settings.Inverter Hybrid BoilerRoomRepeatTime SilentThermal StorageTankOuting CancelSmartRegistration WPS NetworkRSTInverter Hybrid BoilerRoomRepeatTime SilentThermal StorageTankOuting CancelSmartRegistration WPS NetworkRST● The automatic heating operation is activated when pressingthe ON/OFF( ) button.● The operation stops when you press the ON/OFF( )button once again during operation.(However, when heating pump is controlled by existingremote controller of existing electric heater boiler, only theThermal storage operating is running)