26ITEM FORMAT DESCRIPTION0* nnn Alarms history 11* nnn Alarms history 22* nnn Alarms history 33* nnn Alarms history 44* nnn Alarms history 55* nnn Alarms history 66* nnn Alarms history 77* nnn Alarms history 88* nnn Alarms history 99* nnn Alarms history 10Key:n : Numerical display* : This item is displayed if the alarm exists4.2.13 - Description of the OPERATING LOG menuThis menu lets you display the operating times and numberof start-ups for the machine, circuits and compressors. Thevalues displayed are divided by 10 (except for the last twoitems), so that numbers of hours or start-ups of less than 10are displayed as 0.ITEM FORMAT DESCRIPTION0 nnnn Number of unit operating hours/101 nnnn Number of operating hours circuit A/102 nnnn Number of operating hours compressor A1/103* nnnn Number of operating hours compressor A2/104 nnnn Number of operating hours circuit B/105* nnnn Number of operating hours compressor B1/106* nnnn Number of operating hours compressor B2/107 nnnn Number of unit start-ups/108 nnnn Number of start-ups compressor A1/109* nnnn Number of start-ups compressor A2/1010 nnnn Number of start-ups compressor B1/1011* nnnn Number of start-ups compressor B2/1012 nn Maximum number of start-ups during the last hour13 nn Average maximum number of start-ups during the last 24 hoursKey:n : Numerical display* : This item is displayed in certain unit configurations only.4.2.12 - Description of the ALARMS HISTORY menuThis menu lets you display the last 10 alarms to have beenreset.4.2.14 - Default user interface displayThe default display is activated when the keypad has remainedinactive for 5 minutes.The user interface displays in turn:• The heat exchanger leaving water temperature (evaporator incooling mode and condenser in heating mode).In addition:• Active operating type: “LOFF”, “L-C1”, L-C2", “L-H”,“LC1r”, “LC2r”, “CCn”, “rEM”.• “SM” of the unit is under the control of a System Manager(FSM or CSM III).• “MASt” if the Master/Slave function has been activated andthe unit is the master.• “SLA” if the Master/Slave function has been activated andthe unit is a slave.