6Demand Limit4 TO 20 mA — A field-supplied and generated, externallypowered 4 to 20 mA signal can be used to provide a de-mand limit signal for chiller capacity reduction. The signalmust be connected to TB6-1, 2 (positive, negative). Afield-supplied 1 / 2 -watt, 250-ohm resistor must also be con-nected across terminals TB6-1,2. See Fig. 4. See the Con-trols, Start-Up, Operation, Service and Troubleshootingguide for configuration information.SWITCH CONTROLLED — A field-supplied set of drycontacts can be used to provide up to three steps of chiller ca-pacity reduction. The three steps are achieved through twosets of dry contacts. The contacts for Demand Limit Switch 1must be connected to TB6-5,14 and are on the standard unit.The contacts for Demand Limit Switch 2 must be connectedto TB6-14,15. See Fig. 4. The position of these contacts willallow for up to three steps of demand limit according to thefollowing:Refer to the Controls, Start-Up, Operation, Service andTroubleshooting guide for configuration information.Additional EMM FunctionsINPUTS — A field-supplied set of dry contacts can be used toprovide an occupancy override signal (TB6-12,13), remotechiller lockout (TB6-5,6) or ice done switch (TB6-9,10) to thecontrols. See Fig. 4. The occupancy override switch can beused to put the chiller in an occupied mode during a normallyscheduled unoccupied mode of operation. The remote chillerlockout function will disable the chiller when closed. With icemode configuration enabled and ice done switch contact open,a brine chiller will be able to operate as desired during off peaktimes in conjunction with an ice storage system. Operation inice mode ends when the contact closes. Refer to the Controls,Start-Up, Operation, Service and Troubleshooting guide sup-plied with the chiller for more information on the correct con-figuration of these options.OUTPUTS — One analog and four discrete outputs areavailable from the Energy Management Module. The ana-log output indicates percentage of total capacity with a 0 to10 vdc signal. Four discrete outputs, Compressor A RunStatus, Compressor B Run Status, alert relay, and shutdownrelay indicate unit operation. All four outputs are to assistwith remote monitoring of chiller operation.EMM-J3 Connection — To utilize this connection, field-supplied wiring should be connected to TB6-20, 26 for shut-down relay (SHDR) and TB6-18, 26 for alert relay (ALT R).See Fig. 5.Shutdown Relay — This feature provides an output signalwhenever the unit is in an alarm condition and at 0% capac-ity. The maximum load for this relay is 10 VA sealed, 25 VAinrush at 24 vac. For connection information, see the EMM-J3 Connection section.Alert Relay — This feature provides an output signal to indi-cate that at least 1 circuit is off due to an alert. The maximumload for this relay is 10 VA sealed, 25 VA inrush at 24 vac. Forconnection information, see the EMM-J3 Connection section.Compressor Run Status — This feature provides outputs to in-dicate run status of each compressor. The maximum load forthis relay is 10 VA sealed, 25 VA inrush at 24 vac. Connectionsare made to TB6-24 and 25 for compressor A and TB6-22 and23 for compressor B. See Fig. 6.Percent Total Capacity —This feature allows the unit controlto provide a 0 to 10 vdc signal based on the unit capacity. Thesignal is a linear function from 0 to 10 vdc, with 0 vdc repre-senting 0% capacity and 10 vdc representing 100% capacity.See Fig. 7 for wiring. Field wiring connections are made to ter-minal TB6-16, 17.CAUTIONCare should be taken when interfacing with other controlsystems due to possible power supply differences such as afull wave bridge versus a half wave rectification. Connec-tion of control devices with different power supplies mayresult in permanent damage. ComfortLink controls incor-porate power supplies with half wave rectification. A sig-nal isolation device should be utilized if the signalgenerator incorporates a full wave bridge rectifier.CONTACTAMOUNT OF CAPACITY REDUCTIONNone Switch LimitSetpoint 1Switch LimitSetpoint 2Switch LimitSetpoint 3Switch 1 Open Close Open CloseSwitch 2 Open Open Close CloseFig. 5 — 30XV Shutdown andAlert Relay WiringEMM J3Fig. 6 — 30XV Compressor Run StatusEMM J2ACH16CH178765TB625242322TB6TB6TB6ACOMPBCOMPFig. 7 — 0 to 10 vdc % Total Capacity WiringEMM J8