7Table 3 — Advanced Setup ConfigurationInstall Accessories — The Add-A-Wire™ accessorycan be used with this thermostat. The remote temperaturesensor (33CSSEN-WB), outdoor-rated temperature sensor(33CSSEN-01), and the duct sensor (33CSSEN-DS) can beused with this thermostat.Refer to the individual accessory installation instructions formore information.Program Thermostat Schedules — Before program-ming the thermostat, plan the thermostat daily schedule. Theschedule is divided into 7 days (Monday through Sunday).Each day has from 2 to 4 time periods (Occupied 1, Occupied2, Occupied 3, Unoccupied) depending on the configuration ofthe thermostat. Each occupied time period has a start time, stoptime, heating set point, and cooling set point. The unoccupiedtime period has a heating set point and a cooling set point. Theunoccupied time period is active whenever an occupied timeperiod is not active. Fill in Table 4 as an aid to programmingthe daily schedules.PROGRAMMING MODE — To program the daily sched-ules, perform the following procedure:1. Enter Programming mode by pressing and holding theMode and UP ARROW buttons. The Occupied 1 annun-ciator will appear on the thermostat display. Use theUP ARROW and DOWN ARROW buttons to set themaximum number of Occupied periods for each day. Thethermostat can be set to 1, 2, or 3. After the number ofOccupied periods has been selected, press the Mode but-ton. See Fig. 8.2. The cooling set point for Occupied 1 will be displayed.Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW buttons toraise or lower the cooling set point until the desired tem-perature is shown. The range of acceptable values is 35 to99 F (2 to 36 C). Press the Mode button to continue. SeeFig. 8.3. The heating set point for Occupied 1 will be displayed.Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW buttons toraise or lower the heating set point until the desired tem-perature is shown. The range of acceptable values is 35 to99 F (2 to 36 C). Press the Mode button to continue. SeeFig. 8.4. The cooling set point for Unoccupied will be displayed.Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW buttons toraise or lower the cooling set point until the desired tem-perature is shown. The range of acceptable values is 35 to99 F (2 to 36 C) or “OF” (no unoccupied cooling). Toconfigure the Unoccupied Cooling set point to OF, pressthe DOWN ARROW button until 35 F (2 C) is displayed.Press the DOWN ARROW button again to display OF.Press the Mode button to continue.5. The heating set point for Unoccupied will be displayed.Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW buttons toraise or lower the heating set point until the desired tem-perature is shown. The range of acceptable values is 35 to99 F (2 to 36 C). Press the Mode button to continue.6. The day of the week will be shown. Use the UP ARROWand DOWN ARROW buttons to change the day of theweek until the desired starting day is shown. Possiblechoices are Mo (Monday) through Su (Sunday). Press theMode button when the desired day is shown.7. The Start Time for Occupied 1 will be displayed. Use theUP ARROW and DOWN ARROW buttons to raise orlower the time until the desired Start Time is shown. Pressthe Mode button to continue. See Fig. 9.8. The Stop Time for Occupied 1 will be displayed. Use theUP ARROW and DOWN ARROW buttons to raise orlower the time until the desired Stop Time is shown. Pressthe Mode button to continue.9. The ON/OFF icon will be displayed. Use the UPARROW to turn the Occupied 1 period ON for this day.Use the DOWN ARROW to turn the Occupied 1 periodOFF for this day.10. Repeat Steps 2 through 9 to program the remainingschedule for Occupied periods 2 and 3.Table 4 — Daily Schedule PlannerNOTE: The cooling temperature set point must be higher than the heating temperature set point. (The temperature difference may be changed inthe advanced set up configuration.)STEP DESCRIPTION RANGE DEFAULT1 Time of Day (Clock) 24 Hour 12:00 AM2 Day of Week Su - Sa Mo3 Display Blanking OFF/ON ON4 Single/Dual Set Point 1, 2 25 2 or 4 Pipe System 2, 4 46 2-Pipe SystemOperation 1-5 37 Fan Operation OFF/ON ON8 Deadband 1-6 degrees 29 Set Point MinimumTemperature Difference 0 - 6 degrees 210 Thermoglow™Backlight OFF/ON OFF11 Temperature Units F/C F12 Remote Sensor Setup YES/NO YES13 Override Time Duration 0-6 hours 2 hours14 Dry Contact Switch NO/NC NO15 Dry Contact SwitchOperationOccupied,Unoccupied Occupied16 Dry Contact SwitchUnoccupied Operation Off, Set Points Set PointsDAYOF THEWEEKSCHEDULEOccupied 1 Occupied 2 Occupied 3 UnoccupiedStart / Stop / Heat / Cool Start / Stop / Heat / Cool Start / Stop / Heat / Cool Heat / CoolMonday / / / / / / / / / /Tuesday / / / / / / / / / /Wednesday / / / / / / / / / /Thursday / / / / / / / / / /Friday / / / / / / / / / /Saturday / / / / / / / / / /Sunday / / / / / / / / / /