3Physical dataNOTE: See unit Installation Instructions for proper installation.METERING DEVICE* TXV must be ordered separately when indoor coil is not equipped with a TXV. TXV is listedfor any approved coil combination. All TXVs are bi-flow, hard shutoff.UNIT SIZE 018 024 030 036 042 048 060OPERATING WT (Lb) 115 166 182 182 209 250 278COMPRESSORManufacturerTypeCopelandScrollREFRIGERANTControlR-22TXVCharge (Lb) @ 15 Ft 5.5 6.25 6.88 8.00 10.38 11.13 14.00CONDENSER FANAir DischargePropeller Type, Direct DriveVerticalAir Qty (CFM)Motor RPM (60 Hz)1800110028008252800825 2800825 2800825 2800825 34001125CONDENSER COILFace Area (Sq ft) 12.4 14.93 18.5 18.5 16.18 18.5 22.40CONNECTION VALVE (In. ID) SweatLiquid 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8Vapor 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8REFRIGERANT TUBES(In. OD)Vapor 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 1-1/8 1-1/8Liquid 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8UNITSIZE SERIES OUTDOORPISTON INDOORTXV*018 33, 34 42 KSATX0601HSO024 35, 36 52 KSATX0601HSO030 34, 35 55 KSATX0601HSO036 34, 35 63 KSATX0601HSO042 33, 34 65 KSATX0601HSO048 33, 34 73 KSATX0701HSO060 33, 34 78 KSATX0701HSOCERTIFICATION APPLIES ONLY WHEN THECOMPLETE SYSTEM IS LISTED WITH ARI.MANUFACTURERCERTIFIEDTOARIASCOMPLYINGWITHARISTANDARD240UNITARYHEATPUMPEQU IPMENT®REGISTERED QUALITY SYSTEMAs an ENERGY STAR®Partner, CarrierCorporation hasdetermined that thisproduct meets theENERGY STAR® guide-lines for energyefficiency.**Refer to the combination ratings in the Product Data Digest for system combinations meeting ENERGY STAR® efficiency standards.