To prevent damage to unit or service valves observe thefollowing:• Use a brazing shield.• Wrap service valves with wet cloth or use a heat sinkmaterial.SWEAT CONNECTION — Use refrigerant grade tubing. Servicevalves are closed from factory and ready for brazing. Afterwrapping the service valve with a wet cloth, the tubing set can bebrazed to the service valve using either silver bearing or non-silverbearing brazing material. Consult local code requirements. Refrig-erant tubing and indoor coil are now ready for leak testing. Thischeck should include all field and factory joints.Step 5—Make Electrical ConnectionsBe sure field wiring complies with local and national fire, safety,and electrical codes, and voltage to system is within limits shownon unit rating label. Contact local power company for correction ofimproper voltage. See unit rating label for recommended circuitprotection device.NOTE: Operation of unit on improper line voltage constitutesabuse and could affect unit reliability. See unit rating label. Do notinstall unit in system where voltage or phase imbalance mayfluctuate above or below permissible limits.NOTE: Use copper wire only between disconnect switch andunit.NOTE: Install branch circuit disconnect per local codes ofadequate size to handle unit starting current. Locate disconnectwithin sight from and readily accessible from unit per local codes.To avoid personal injury or death, do not supply power to unitwith compressor terminal box cover removed.The unit cabinet must have an uninterrupted or unbrokenground to minimize personal injury if an electrical faultshould occur. The ground may consist of electrical wire ormetal conduit when installed in accordance with existingelectrical codes. Failure to follow this warning can result in anelectric shock, fire, or death.ROUTE GROUND AND POWER WIRES — Remove accesspanel and control box cover to gain access to unit wiring. Extendwires from disconnect through power wiring hole provided andinto unit control box. (See Fig. 2.) Size wires per local codes, butnot smaller than minimum wire size shown on unit rating label.CONNECT GROUND AND POWER WIRES — Connect groundwire to ground connection in control box for safety. Connectpower wiring to contactor as shown in Fig. 4.NOTE: Use No. 18 AWG (American Wire Gage) color-coded,insulated (35° C minimum) wire. If thermostat is located more than100 ft (30.5m) from unit as measured along the control voltagewires, use No. 16 AWG color-coded wires to avoid excessivevoltage drop.Table 1—Refrigerant Connections and Recommended Liquid and Vapor Tube DiametersUNIT SIZELIQUID VAPORConnection Dia. Tube Dia. Connection Dia. Tube Dia.In. mm In. mm In. mm In. mm018, 024 3/8 9.53 3/8 9.53 5/8 15.88 5/8 15.88036 3/8 9.53 3/8 9.53 3/4 19.05 3/4 19.05048 3/8 9.53 3/8 9.53 7/8 22.23 7/8 22.23060 3/8 9.53 3/8 9.53 7/8 22.23 1-1/8 28.581. Tube diameters are for lengths up to 50 ft (15.24m). For tube sets over 50 ft (15.24m), consult Long-Line Application Guideline.2. Do not apply capillary tube indoor coils to these units.Fig. 3—Piping InstallationA94330INSULATIONVAPOR TUBELIQUID TUBEOUTDOOR WALL INDOOR WALLLIQUID TUBEVAPOR TUBEINSULATIONCAULKAvoid contact between tubing and structure.NOTE:THROUGH THE WALLHANGER STRAP(AROUND VAPORTUBE ONLY)JOIST1″ MIN(25 mm)SUSPENSIONFig. 4—Line Power ConnectionsA94025DISCONNECTPER N.E.C. AND/ORLOCAL CODESCONTACTORGROUNDLUGFIELD GROUNDWIRINGFIELD POWERWIRINGBLUE3 PHASE ONLY3