INSPECT EQUIPMENTFile claim with shipping company prior to installation if shipmentis damaged or incomplete. Locate unit rating plate on unit servicepanel. It contains information needed to properly install unit.Check rating plate to be sure unit matches job specifications.Step 2—Install on a Solid, Level Mounting PadIf conditions or local codes require the unit be attached to pad, tiedown bolts should be used and fastened through knockoutsprovided in unit base pan. Refer to unit mounting pattern in Fig. 3to determine base pan size and knockout hole location.On rooftop applications, mount on level platform or frame. Placeunit above a load-bearing wall and isolate unit and tubing set fromstructure. Arrange supporting members to adequately support unitand minimize transmission of vibration to building. Consult localcodes governing rooftop applications.Roof mounted units exposed to winds above 5 mph may requirewind baffles. Consult Low-Ambient Guideline for wind baffleconstruction.NOTE: Unit must be level to within ± 2° (± 3/8 in./ft) percompressor manufacturer specifications.Step 3—Clearance RequirementsWhen installing, allow sufficient space for airflow clearance,wiring, refrigerant piping, and service. Allow 30-in. clearance toservice end of unit and 48 in. above unit. For proper airflow, a 6-in.clearance on 1 side of unit and 12 in. on all remaining sides mustbe maintained. Maintain a distance of 24 in. between units.Position so water, snow, or ice from roof or eaves cannot falldirectly on unit.On rooftop applications, locate unit at least 6 in. above roofsurface.Step 4—Operating AmbientsThe minimum outdoor operating ambient in cooling mode is 55°F,and the maximum outdoor operating ambient in cooling mode is125°F.Step 5—Check Indoor AccuRater® PistonCheck indoor coil piston to see if it matches the required pistonshown on outdoor unit rating plate. If it does not match, replaceindoor coil piston with piston shipped with outdoor unit. Thepiston shipped with outdoor unit is correct for any approved indoorcoil combination.Remove indoor coil piston if unit is to be installed on systemwith a TXV metering device.Step 6—Make Piping ConnectionsRelieve pressure and recover all refrigerant before systemrepair or final unit disposal to avoid personal injury or death.Use all service ports and open all flow-control devices,including solenoid valves.If ANY refrigerant tubing is buried, provide a 6 in. verticalrise at service valve. Refrigerant tubing lengths up to 36 in.may be buried without further special consideration. Forlengths above 36 in., refer to Residential Split SystemBuried-Line Application Guideline.Fig. 2—Connecting Tubing InstallationA94028INSULATIONVAPOR TUBELIQUID TUBEOUTDOOR WALL INDOOR WALLLIQUID TUBEVAPOR TUBEINSULATIONCAULKAvoid contact between tubing and structureNOTE:THROUGH THE WALLHANGER STRAP(AROUND VAPORTUBE ONLY)JOIST1″ MIN.SUSPENSIONFig. 3—Mounting Unit to PadDimensions (In.)UNITSIZEMINIMUMMOUNTING PADDIMENSIONSTIEDOWN KNOCKOUTLOCATIONSA B C018–030 22-1/2 X 22-1/2 3-11/16 18-1/8 14-3/8036–060 30 X 30 6-1/2 23-1/2 20A94199CBA3⁄8″D. (9.53) TIEDOWNKNOCKOUTS (2) PLACES2→→→