ProductData38TUA (50 Hz)11 SEER Air ConditionerSizes 024 thru 060Copyright 2004 Carrier Corporation Form 38TUA-C8PDModel 38TUA 50 Hertz AirConditioner incorporates innovativetechnology to provide quiet, reliablesummer cooling performance. Builtinto these units are the features mostdesired by consumers today, includingEER ratings of up to 10.5 when usedwith specified Carrier equipment.The Tech 2000 Silencer Systemfeatures the Silencer System design,energy-efficient fan and motor,advanced sound hood, and isolatorplate.The Silencer Top improves airflowpattern requiring less energy.Energy-Efficient Fan and FanMotor adds to quiet operation whilemoving air more efficiently.Sound Hood muffles noise fromoperation.Isolator Plate eliminates compressorvibration transmission to base panensuring quiet operation.FEATURES/BENEFITSElectrical Range — 024 size units areoffered in 230v single phase and sizes036, 048 and 060 are offered in 400vthree phase.Wide Range of Sizes — Available innominal sizes 024, 036, 048, and 060to meet the needs of residential andlight commercial applications.WeatherArmor™ III System is athree component system — The casingsteel is galvanized and coated with alayer of zinc phosphate. A modifiedpolyester powder coating is thenapplied and baked on, providing eachunit with a hard, smooth finish that willlast for many years.The screws on the cabinet exterior areSermaGuard™ coated for a longlasting, rust-resistant, qualityappearance.