Install of The Compact Panel Cassette Type Indoor Unit92. If gap still exist between ceiling and decoration panel after tightening the screws, readjust the height ofWKHLQGRRUXQLW $VVKRZQLQ¿JIf the raising lever and drain hose arenot affect, can adjust the height ofindoor unit by the hole on the cornerof panel.Gaps are not allowedFig.15Ć$IWHU¿[LQJEHVXUHQRJDSOHIWbetween the ceiling and the panel.3. Wiring of the decoration panel (Fig.16)&RQQHFWWKHMRLQWVIRUVZLQJÀDSPRWRUOHDGZLUH DWSODFHV LQVWDOOHGRQWKHSDQHOAt body At paneAt body At paneFig.16