Carrier 40QNB Installation, Start-up And Service Instructions Manual
Also see for 40QNB018: Owner's manualInstallation, Start-Up and Service Instructions
• Cooling Mode — When the Cooling mode is selected, theindoor fan will operate continuously at the selected speedif the speed is high, medium, or low. If the indoor fan isin Auto. mode, the fan will change operating speeds de-pending on the difference between the room temperatureand the set point. The reversing valve (QNH only) will beenergized. The compressor cannot run for 3 minutes fromthe time the system starts up or for 3 minutes from thetime the compressor last operated. When the temperatureof the room is equal to or greater than the selected tem-perature, the compressor and outdoor fan will operate un-til the room temperature is 2° F below the set point, andthen shut off. When the room temperature is less than theselected temperature, the compressor and outdoor fan re-main off.• Maximum Dehumidification Mode — When the Dehu-midification mode is selected, the indoor fan will operatecontinuously at the selected speed if the speed is high, me-dium, or low. If the indoor fan is in Auto. mode, the fanwill change operating speeds depending on the room tem-perature. If the room temperature is below the set point,the indoor fan will run at ultra-low speed, and the com-pressor could run for up to 4 minutes. (Ultra-low speed isa control-driven speed [not user configurable] used to samplethe space when the fan would normally be off.) The re-versing valve (QNH only) will be energized. The com-pressor cannot run for 3 minutes from the time the systemstarts up or for 3 minutes from the time the compressorlast operated.Initial Operation — When the mode is first selected, one ofthe following occurs:1. If the room temperature is above or equal to the selectedtemperature, the unit will operate for 16 minutes, and thecompressor and outdoor fan will operate. The indoor fanwill operate as in the Cooling mode. After 16 minutes ofoperation (or when the room reaches 2° F below set point),the unit switches to normal dehumidification operation.2. If the room temperature is below the selected tempera-ture, the unit will operate for 8 minutes as follows: thecompressor and outdoor fan will operate for 3 minutes.The indoor fan will operate in low speed, and 30 secondsafter the compressor stops, the indoor fan stops. The unitremains off for 1 minute, and then the indoor fan starts inultra-low speed for 30 seconds. The unit then switches tonormal dehumidification operation.Normal Operation — One of the following will take place:1. When the temperature of the room is equal to or greaterthan the selected temperature (by not more than 3° F), theunit will operate for 8 minutes as follows: the compres-sor and outdoor fan will operate for 3 minutes. The in-door fan will operate in low speed, and 30 seconds afterthe compressor stops, the indoor fan stops. The unit re-mains off for 1 minute, and then the indoor fan starts inultra-low speed for 30 seconds. The normal dehumidifi-cation operation is repeated for the newly sensed roomtemperature.2. If the room temperature is equal to or greater than theselected temperature, but not by more than between 4° Fand 6° F, the compressor and outdoor fan operate for4 minutes. The indoor fan will run at ultra-low speed andwill stop 30 seconds after the compressor stops. After3 minutes, the indoor fan runs at ultra-low speed for30 seconds. The normal dehumidification operation is re-peated for the newly sensed room temperature.3. When the room temperature is equal to or greater than4° F below the selected temperature, the system operatesas follows: The compressor and outdoor fan operate for3 minutes. The indoor fan will operate at ultra-low speedand will stop 30 seconds after the compressor stops. Af-ter 4 or 5 minutes, the indoor fan starts in ultra-low speedfor 30 seconds. The normal dehumidification operation isrepeated for the newly sensed room temperature. If theroom temperature is still 4° F below the selected tem-perature, the compressor, outdoor fan, and indoor fan re-main off. After 71 ⁄2 minutes, the indoor fan operates atultra-low speed for 30 seconds. The normal dehumidifi-cation operation is repeated for the newly sensed roomtemperature.• Heat Pump Heating Mode (Heat Pump Systems Only) —When the Heat Pump mode is selected, the indoor fan willoperate at the selected speed if the speed is high, medium,or low, unless overridden by the coil temperature (to pre-vent cold drafts). If the indoor fan is in Auto. mode, thefan will change operating speeds depending on the differ-ence between the room temperature, the set point, and thecoil temperature. The reversing valve will be deenergized.The compressor cannot run for 3 minutes from the timethe system starts up or for 3 minutes from the time it lastoperated. When the temperature of the room is 8° F belowthe selected temperature, the unit will operate in Heat Pumpmode until the temperature is 6° F above the selected tem-perature, or the compressor runs for 40 minutes (which-ever comes first). If the temperature of the room is lessthan 7° F below or equal to the selected temperature, theunit operates in Heat Pump mode until the selected set pointtemperature plus 2° F is reached.• Electric Heat in Heat Pump Heating Mode — Supplemen-tal electric heat is enabled when the outside air thermistorlocated in the outdoor unit is below 40 F and the roomtemperature thermistor is equal to or less than 5.4 F belowset point. Electric heat will remain on until 1.8° F aboveset point, then will turn off. Fan operation will be the sameas described previously in the heat pump heating mode.NOTE: Electric heat control cannot be overridden.• Demand Defrost Mode (Heat Pump Systems Only) — Thisunit uses a demand defrost system to remove frost fromthe outdoor coil during heating operation. The indoor andoutdoor fans are shut off during Defrost mode. SeeFig. 20. For high wall heat pump units, the electric heat isOFF during Defrost mode.• Sleep Mode — The Sleep mode timer turns the unit offwhen the timer reaches zero minutes. The durations thatcan be selected are 1, 2, 3 or 7 hours. After the initial30 minutes, the user set point shifts approximately 1° Fwarmer. This sequence repeats itself every 40 minutes upto a total of 150 minutes. When Sleep mode is enabled,the display on the remote controller is dimmed.• On/Off Timer Mode — The on/off timer will turn the uniton or off at a user selectable on and off time (this is onetime event only). The unit will start in the same mode andat the same selected temperature as when the system shutoff. If the room temperature is not within approximately5° F of the set point 40 minutes before start-up, the unitruns before the user selected on time is reached to achievethe set point temperature at start-up.16 |
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