Carrier 40TGF UP Series Owner's Manual
Also see for 40TGF UP Series: Installation manual
– 23 –11Operations and performanceCheck before running Check whether the earth wire is cut or disconnected. Check whether the air filter is installed. Turn on the circuit breaker 12 hours or more before startingoperation.3 minutes protection function3-minutes protection function prevents the air conditionerfrom starting for initial 3 minutes after the main power switch/ circuit breaker is turned on for re-starting the air conditioner.Auto restart operationThis air conditioner is equipped with an Automatic restartingfacility which allows the air conditioner to resume the setoperating conditions in the event of a supply power shutdownwithout the use of the remote controller.The operation will resume without warning three minutesafter the power is restored.Power failureLightning or a wireless car telephone operating nearby maycause the unit to malfunction. Turn off the main power switchor circuit breaker and then turn them on again. Push theSTART/STOP button on the remote controller to restart.Group controlUp to 8 units can be operated simultaneously using a wiredremote controller (sold separately). For details, consult yourlocal dealer.Protective device Stops operation when the air-conditioner is overloaded. If the protective device is activated, the unit stops running,and the operation indicator and check indicator on thesignal receiving unit blink.If the protective device is activated Turn off the circuit breaker and perform a checkup.Continued running may cause a malfunction. Check whether the air filter is installed. If not, the heatexchanger may be clogged with dust and water leakagemay occur.During cooling The air intake or discharge of the outdoor unit is clogged. Strong wind continuously blows against the discharge ofthe outdoor unit.Do not turn off the circuit breakerDuring the air-conditioning season, leave the circuit breakerturned on, and use the START/STOP button on the remotecontroller.Air conditioner operating conditionsFor proper performance, operate the air conditioner under the following temperature conditions:If air conditioner is used outside of the above conditions, safety protection may work.Outdoor temperature : 21 °C to 43 °C (Dry bulb temp.)Room temperature : 21 °C to 32 °C (Dry bulb temp.), 15 °C to 24 °C (Wet bulb temp.)[CAUTION] Room relative humidity – less than 80%. If the air conditioner operates in excess of thisfigure, the surface of the air conditioner may cause dewing.EN&DVHZLWKZLUHGUHPRWHFRQWUROOHU,IWKHUHLVVRPHWKLQJXQXVXDOHYHQDIWHUFKHFNLQJWKHDERYHVWRSUXQQLQJWKHXQLWWXUQRIIWKHFLUFXLWEUHDNHUDQGLQIRUPWKHGHDOHUZKHUH\RXSXUFKDVHGWKHSURGXFWRIWKHSURGXFWQXPEHUDQGV\PSWRP'RQRWDWWHPSWWRUHSDLUWKHXQLWE\\RXUVHOIDVGRLQJVRLVGDQJHURXV,IWKHFKHFNLQGLFDWRU HWF LVGLVSOD\HGRQWKHZLUHGUHPRWHFRQWUROOHU/&'LQIRUPWKHGHDOHURILWVFRQWHQWDVZHOO&RQILUPDWLRQDQGFKHFN:KHQDQHUURURFFXUUHGLQWKHDLUFRQGLWLRQHUDQHUURUFRGHDQGLQGRRU81,71RDSSHDURQWKHGLVSOD\SDUWRIWKHUHPRWHFRQWUROOHU7KHHUURUFRGHLVRQO\GLVSOD\HGGXULQJWKHRSHUDWLRQ,IWKHGLVSOD\GLVDSSHDUVRSHUDWHWKHDLUFRQGLWLRQHUDFFRUGLQJWRWKHIROORZLQJ³&RQILUPDWLRQRIHUURUORJ´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ĺ>@ ROGHVW 5(48,5(0(17'RQRWSXVK EXWWRQEHFDXVHDOOWKHHUURUORJRIWKHLQGRRUXQLWZLOOEHGHOHWHG3 $IWHUFRQILUPDWLRQSXVK EXWWRQWRUHWXUQWRWKHXVXDOGLVSOD\(UURUFRGH ,QGRRU81,71RLQZKLFKDQHUURURFFXUUHG45-EN 46-EN |
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