12Step 3 — Mount the UnitMount the unit using the hanger bolts at the locations shown inFig. 2 and 3, top view. Use 3/8-inch all-threaded rod. For unitweight, see Table 2.MOUNTING THE UNIT — Lift the unit on to the hangingrods for mounting:1. Use rods and fasteners to suspend the unit at the factory-provided mounting holes.2. Adjust the height of the unit until the bottom is level withthe false ceiling. There must be adequate space to provideenough pitch for the drain.3. Secure the unit in position with locknuts and washers onboth sides of the mounting bracket. Ensure that thethreaded rod does not protrude more than two inchesbelow the mounting brackets as shown in Fig. 14.INSTALLING THE DUCT — Connect the return and supplyducts to the duct collars provided on the unit. Adequatedistance between the return and supply diffusers should bemaintained to avoid short circulation of air within the space.The filter is located on the return side of the unit, on the rear orbottom depending on the return air inlet arrangement.RETURN AIR ARRANGEMENT — Based on the return airarrangement requirement in the field, the unit can be modifiedfrom rear return to bottom return. Follow the instructionsbelow to change the return air arrangement.Remove Air Filter Frame and Cover Plate1. Remove the screws that secure the filter frame to the rearof the unit.2. Remove the screws that secure the return air cover plateto the bottom of the unit and set the cover plate aside. SeeFig. 15 below.Fig. 15 —Removing Air Filter Frame and CoverPlateApply Foam Insulating Tape1. Apply foam insulating tape to the return air opening onthe bottom of the unit. See Fig. 16 below.Fig. 16 —Applying Foam Insulation Tape2. Use the existing screws to re-install the return air coverplate on the rear of the unit.Re-install Air Filter and Frame — Re-install the return airfilter and the filter frame on the bottom of the unit. Refer to thearrows in Fig. 17.Fig. 17 —Re-installing Return Air Filter and FrameSecure the Frame and Filter — Use the provided clips tosecure the filter inside the filter frame. See Fig. 18 below.Fig. 18 —Securing the Filter and FrameFig. 14 — Threaded RodINDOOR UNITLEVELINGNUT” THREADEDRODMOUNTINGBRACKETSUPPLY AIROPENINGFRONT VIEWWhen the unit islevel, tightennut to securethe position ofthe mountingbracket on thethreaded rod.Side railDentilation panelRETURN AIRRETURN AIRFILTER FRAMECOVER PLATEFOAMINSULATINGTAPERETURN AIRFILTERDETAILCLIPFILTER