238.Electronic function8.1 AbbreviationT1: Indoor ambient temperatureT2: Pipe temperature of indoor heat exchangerT3: Pipe temperature of outdoor heat exchangerT4: Outdoor ambient temperature8.2 Display function8.2.1 Icon explanation on indoor display board.42VHC109713G 42VHC112713G 42VHC118713GķAuto indicatorThis indicator illuminates when the air conditioner is in AUTO operation.ĸTimer indicatorThis indicator illuminates when TIMER is set ON/OFF.ĹPRE.-DEF. IndicatorThis indicator illuminates when the air conditioner starts defrosting automatically or when the warm air controlfeature is activated in heating mode.ĺTEMPERATURE indicatorUsually it displays the temperature settings. When change the setting temperature, this indicatorbegins to flash, and stops 20 seconds later.It displays the room temperature when the air conditioner is in FAN only operation, and the range of that is0~50ć. When the unit stops operation, it returns to original factory settings.Displays the malfunction code or protection code.ĻFrequency indicatorThis indicator appears only when the compressor is in operation and indicates the currentoperating frequency.8.2.2 LED display control function.Pressing “LED display” button on remote controller will turn off all displays on indoor unit, while pressingonce again, all displays will resume.8.3 Protection8.3.1 Three Minutes Delay at restart for compressor.8.3.2 Temperature protection of compressor top.8.3.3 If the temperature of compressor top is too high(higher than 115ć and the Over-load Protector is cut,the units stop. When the Over-load Protector restore and close(lower than 100ć), the compressor willrestart( in this case the compressor is restricted by Three Minutes Delay protection).8.3.4 Temperature protection of compressor exhaust.