1PONIT CHECKPress the “LED DISPLAY” button of remote controller three times (“Swing button” for some remote controllers)and then press “AIR DIRECTION” button three times, the air conditioner will enter the “information enquiry”status. After that, press the “LED DISPLAY” button to enquiry the next one information and press the “AIRDIRECTION” button to enquiry the last one information.Table:EnquiryinformationDisplayingcodeDisplay value Meaning RemarkT1T2T3T4T2BTPTHTargetedFrequencyActualFrequencyT1T2T3T4TbTPTHFTFr-1F,-1E,-1d,-1c,-1b,-1A-25,-24,-23,-22,-21,-201. All the displaying temperature isactual value.2. All the temperature is °C nomatter what kind of remotecontroller is used.3. T1,T2,T3,T4,T2B displayrange:-25~70,TP display range:-20~130.4. Frequency display range:0~159HZ.5. If the actual value exceeds therange, it will display the maximumvalue or minimum value.-19—99 -19—99A0,A1,…A9 100,101,…109b0,b1,…b9 110,111,…119c0,c1,…c9 120,121,…129d0,d1,…d9 130,131,…139E0,E1,…E9 140,141,…149F0,F1,…F9 150,151,…159Indoor fanspeed/Outdoor fanspeedIFOF0 OFF1,2,3,4 Low speed, Mediumspeed, High speed,TurboFor some big capacity motors.14-FF Actual fanspeed=Display valueturns to decimalvalue and thenmultiply 10. The unitis RPM.For some small capacity motors,display value is from14-FF(hexadecimal), thecorresponding fan speed range isfrom 200-2550RPM.EXV openingangleLA 0-FF Actual EXV openingvalue=Display valueturns to decimalvalue and thenmultiply 2.Compressorcontinuousrunning timeCT 0-FF 0-255 minutes If the actual value exceeds therange, it will display the maximumvalue or minimum value.Causes ofcompressorstop.ST 0-99 For the detailedmeaning, pleaseconsult with engineerDecimal display