81Carrier Accessory KitsThere are specific accessory kits sold for various field installedaccessories. These kits vary based on model, size, voltage,manufacture date, and duct orientation. Some of these kits includeEconomizer, Power Exhaust, and Electric Heat. Refer to theControls Quick Set−Up section for configuration and moreinformation on these accessories.Two−Position DamperThe two-position outdoor air damper accessory usage depends onmodel size and return duct orientation. This accessory wiresdirectly into the low voltage circuit for the indoor fan control. Noother control configuration is needed.Indoor Air QualityThe indoor air quality (IAQ) sensor (part no. 33ZCSENCO2) is afield-installed accessory which measures CO 2 levels in the air.When installing this sensor, an ECB board must be installed andthe unit must be configured for IAQ use by settingConfiguration→AIR.Q→IA.CF to a value of 1, 2, or 3. See theIndoor Air Quality section for more information.TB−2 4−20mA Input. . . . . . . . . .TB−3 Sensor Common. . . . . . . . . .TB−R 24vac Output. . . . . . . . .TB−C Common (GND). . . . . . . . .Outdoor Air QualityThe outdoor air quality (OAQ) sensor is a field-installed accessorythat measures CO2 levels in the air. When installing this sensor, anECB board must be installed and the unit must be configured forOAQ use by setting Configuration→AIR.Q→OA.CF to a valueof 1 or 2. See the Indoor Air Quality section for more information.TB−2 4−20mA Input. . . . . . . . . .TB−3 Sensor Common. . . . . . . . . .TB−R 24vac Output. . . . . . . . .TB−C Common (GND). . . . . . . . .Smoke DetectorsThe smoke detectors are field-installed accessories. These detectorscan detect smoke in either the return air (part no.CRSMKDET003A00) or supply and return air (part no.CRSMKSUP002A00). When installing either detector, the unitmust be configured for fire shutdown by settingConfiguration→UNIT→FS.SW to normally open (1) or normallyclosed (2).TB−Fire Shutdown−1 Dry Contact Source. . . . . . . . . . . . .TB−Fire Shutdown−2 Discrete Input to Board. . . . . . . . . . .TB−R 24vac Output. . . . . . . . .TB−C Common (GND). . . . . . . . .NOTE: When a Humidi-Mizer system is installed, the inputs tothe fire shutdown are moved to the control harness. See the ThirdParty Control section for more information.Filter StatusThe filter status accessory (part no. CRSTATUS002B00) is afield-installed accessory. This accessory detects plugged filters.When installing this accessory, the unit must be configured forfilter status by setting Configuration→UNIT→FL.SW tonormally open (1) or normally closed (2). Normally open (1) is thepreferred configuration.Filter status wires are pre−run in the unit harness and located nearthe switch installation location. Refer to the Filter Accessoryinstallation instructions for more information.Fan StatusThe fan status accessory (part no. CRSTATUS003B00) is afield-installed accessory. This accessory detects when the indoorfan is blowing air. When installing this accessory, the unit must beconfigured for fan status by settingConfiguration→UNIT→FN.SW to normally open (1) ornormally closed (2). Normally open (1) is the preferredconfiguration.Fan status wires are pre−run in the unit harness and located near theswitch installation location. Refer to the Fan Accessory installationinstructions for more information.NOTE: The fan status terminals on TB1 are NOT to be used.Enthalpy SensorsThe enthalpy accessories (part no. CRENTSNG002A00 andCRENTDIF002A00) are field-installed accessories. The firstaccessory (outdoor air only) determines when the enthalpy is lowrelative to a fixed reference. Adding the second accessory (returnair) compares the enthalpy between the outdoor and returnairstreams. In each case, the enthalpy 4 to 20 mA signals areconverted to a switch output which is read by the ECB. Wheninstalling this accessory, the unit must be configured forenthalpy-based control by settingConfiguration→ECON→EN.SW to normally open (1). See Fig.26 and 27 for wiring details.Normal status is an active switch which tells the control thatenthalpy is LOW. The actual switch terminal LOW is normallyclosed. Refer to the Enthalpy Kit installation instructions for moreinformation on the installation.Return/Supply Air Temperature SensorThe temperature sensor (part no. 33ZCSENSAT) is a field-installedaccessory which may be installed on the common return air ductand/or the common supply air duct near the unit. The duct returnair temperature (RAT) may be selected for display only if the spacetemperature offset (SPTO) is not used. When installing the sensor,the unit must be configured by settingConfiguration→UNIT→RAT.S to YES. Using a RAT will allowdifferential dry bulb control of the economizer. The duct supply airtemperature (SAT) may be used to replace the SAT sensor that isinternal to the unit. A supply duct SAT measurement is valid forheating mode display while the factory-standard internal SAT isnot valid for heating due to its location upstream of the heatingsection. When installing the supply duct SAT, the unit must beconfigured by setting Configuration→UNIT→SAT.H to ENBL.A SAT sensor in the supply duct is the preferred configuration forsystems with Carrier variable volume and temperature (VVT)accessory controls.Space HumidistatThe Space Humidistat (part no. −−HL−−38MG−029) is a wallmounted device with an adjustable setpoint to control humiditylevels. The humidistat input is provided on the field connectionterminal board. The Space Humidity Switch configuration,Configuration→UNIT→RH.SW, identifies the normally open ornormally closed status of this input at LOW humidity.TB−HUMIDISTAT1 Discrete Input to Board. . . . . . . . . . . .TB−HUMIDISTAT2 24 VAC Dry Contact Source. . . . . . .NOTE: The humidistat terminals are only in use when the unit isequipped with the Humidi−MiZer factory option.48/50PG and PM