27activation to allow the dampers to open. This delay allows thedamper to reach the appropriate position to avoid unnecessary fanoverload.Minimum Position ControlThere is a minimum damper position potentiometer on theEconoMi$er IV controller. (See Fig. 42.) The minimum damperposition maintains the minimum airflow into the building duringthe occupied period.When using demand ventilation, the minimum damper positionrepresents the minimum ventilation position for VOC (volatileorganic compound) ventilation requirements. The maximumdemand ventilation position is used for fully occupied ventilation.When demand ventilation control is not being used, the minimumposition potentiometer should be used to set the occupiedventilation position. The maximum demand ventilation positionshould be turned fully clockwise.Adjust the minimum position potentiometer to allow theminimum amount of outdoor air, as required by local codes, toenter the building. Make minimum position adjustments with atleast 10_F temperature difference between the outdoor andreturn-air temperatures.To determine the minimum position setting, perform thefollowing procedure:1. Calculate the appropriate mixed air temperature using thefollowing formula:(TO xOA ) + (TR x RA ) =TM100 100TO = Outdoor-Air TemperatureOA = Percent of Outdoor AirTR = Return-Air TemperatureRA = Percent of Return AirTM = Mixed-Air TemperatureAs an example, if local codes require 10% outdoor air duringoccupied conditions, outdoor-air temperature is 60_F, andreturn-air temperature is 75_F.(60 x .10) + (75 x .90) = 73.5_F2. Disconnect the supply air sensor from terminals T and T1.3. Ensure that the factory-installed jumper is in place acrossterminals P and P1. If remote damper positioning is beingused, make sure that the terminals are wired according toFig. 36 and that the minimum position potentiometer isturned fully clockwise.4. Connect 24 vac across terminals TR and TR1.5. Carefully adjust the minimum position potentiometeruntil the measured supply air temperature matches thecalculated value.6. Reconnect the mixed air sensor to terminals T and T1.Remote control of the EconoMi$er IV damper is desirable whenrequiring additional temporary ventilation. If afield-supplied remote potentiometer (Honeywell part numberS963B1128) is wired to the EconoMi$er IV controller, theminimum position of the damper can be controlled from a remotelocation.To control the minimum damper position remotely, remove thefactory-installed jumper on the P and P1 terminals on theEconoMi$er IV controller. Wire the field-supplied potentiometerto the P and P1 terminals on the EconoMi$er IV controller. (SeeFig. 46.)Damper MovementDamper movement from full open to full closed (or vice versa)takes 2 1 /2 minutes.ThermostatsThe EconoMi$er IV control works with conventional thermostatsthat have a Y1 (cool stage 1), Y2 (cool stage 2), W1 (heat stage1), W2 (heat stage 2), and G (fan). The EconoMi$er IV controldoes not support space temperature sensors. Connections aremade at the thermostat terminal connection board located in themain control box.LED ONLED ONLED ONLED ONLED OFF1918LED OFFLED OFFLED OFF1716151413121110940 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100DEGREES FAHRENHEITmADCBAC06035Fig. 43 --- Outside Air TemperatureChangeover Set PointsECONOMI$ER IVECONOMI$ER IVCONTROLLERGROMMETRETURN AIRSENSORRETURN DUCT(FIELD-PROVIDED)C06036Fig. 44 --- Return Air Temperature or EnthalpySensor Mounting LocationOccupancy ControlThe factory default configuration for the EconoMi$er IV controlis occupied mode. Occupied mode is provided by the blackjumper from terminal TR to terminal N. When unoccupied modeis desired, install a field-supplied timeclock function in place ofthe jumper between TR and N. (See Fig. 36.) When the timeclockcontacts are closed, the EconoMi$er IV control will be inoccupied mode. When the timeclock contacts are open (removingthe 24-v signal from terminal N), the EconoMi$er IV will be inunoccupied mode.48HE,HJ