tDETAIL AMINIMUM HEIGHT: 36SEE DETAILUNIT HEIGHTnRIGGINGCABINET MODEL WEIGHT A B C D50DU-024 382 75 57 91 158Small 50DU-030 387 76 58 93 16050DU-036 469 93 71 113 19250DU-042 491 97 74 118 201Large 50DU-048 497 104 63 136 19350DU-060 548 117 75 149 207AA06298BD ACCESS PANELA06296Fig. 7 - Suggested RiggingStep 5--Select and Install DuctworkThe design and installation of the duct system must be in accordancewith the standards of the NFPA for installation of non-residencetype air conditioning and ventilating systems, NFPA 90A orresidence type. NFPA 90B and/or local codes and ordinances.Select and size ductwork, supply-air registers, and return air grillesaccording to ASHRAE (American Society of Heating,Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers) recommendations.The unit has duct flanges on the supply- and return - air openings onthe side of the unit.ELECTRICAL OPERATION HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personal injuryor death.For vertical supply and return units, tools or parts could dropinto ductwork, therefore, install a 90 degree turn in the returnductwork between the unit and the conditioned space. If a 90degree elbow cannot be installed, then a grille of sufficientstrength and density should be installed to prevent objectsfrom falling into the conditioned space. Units with electricheaters require 90 degree elbow in supply duct.When designing and installing ductwork, consider the following:1. All units should have field- supplied filters or accessory filterrack installed in the return-air side of the unit.Recommended sizes for filters are shown in Table 1.2. Avoid abrupt duct size increases and reductions. Abruptchange in duct size adversely affects air performance.IMPORTANT: Use flexible connectors between ductwork andunit to prevent transmission of vibration. Use suitable gaskets toensure weather tight and airtight seal. When electric heat is installed.use fireproof canvas (or similar heat resistant material) connectorbetween ductwork and unit discharge connection. If flexible duct isused, insert a sheet metal sleeve inside duct. Heat resistant ductconnector (or sheet metal sleeve) must extend 24-in. from electricheater element.3.4.Size ductwork for max possible air flow (See Table 1).Seal, insulate, and weatherproof all external ductwork. Seal.insulate and cover with a vapor barrier all duc_vork passingthrough conditioned spaces. Follow latest Sheet Metal andAir Conditioning Contractors National Association(SMACNA) and Air Conditioning Contractors Association(ACCA) minimum installation standards for residentialheating and air conditioning systems.