44SYSTEMSETUPINSTALL 01/01/10 N/A Display order = MM/DD/YYSetting order = DD, MM, then YY.UNITS DEG °F °F or °C Sets economizer controller in degrees Fahrenheit or CelsiusEQUIPMENT CONVCONVorHPCONV = conventional;HP O/B = Enable Heat Pump mode. Use AUX2 I for Heat Pumpinput from thermostat or controller.AUX2 IN WShutdown (SD)Heat (W1)HP(O)HP(B)In CONV mode:SD = Enables configuration of shutdown (default);W = Informs controller that system is in heating mode.In HP O/B mode:HP(O) = energize heat pump on Cool (default);HP(B) = energize heat pump on heat.FAN SPEED 2 speed 1 speed/2 speedSets the economizer controller for operation of 1 speed or 2speed supply fan. The controller does not control the fan, butpositions the OA and RA dampers to heating or cooling mode.FAN CFM 5000 cfm 100 to 15000 cfm;increment by 100UNIT DESIGN AIRFLOW (CFM)Enter only if using DCVCAL ENA = AUTOThis is the capacity of the RTU. The value is found on thenameplate label for the specific unit.AUX1 OUT NONENONEERVEXH2SYSSelect OUTPUT for AUX1 O relay• NONE = not configured (output is not used)• ERV = Energy Recovery Ventilator ††• EXH2 = second damper position 24 vac out for second exhaustfan• SYS = use output as an alarm signalOCC INPUT INPUT or ALWAYSOCCUPIED MODE BY EXTERNAL SIGNALWhen using a setback thermostat with occupancy out (24 vac),the 24 vac is input “INPUT” to the OCC terminal. If no occupancyoutput from the thermostat, then change program to “ALWAYS”OR add a jumper from terminal R to OCC terminal.FACTORY DEFAULT NO NO or YESResets all set points to factory defaults when set to YES. LCDwill briefly flash YES and change to NO but all parameters willchange to the factory default values.ADVANCEDSETUPMA LO SET 45°F (7°C)35°F to 65°F(2°C to 18°C);Increment by1 degreeSUPPLY AIR TEMPERATURE LOW LIMITTemperature to activate Freeze Protection (close damper ormodulate to MIN POS if temp falls below set value).FREEZE POS CLO CLO or MINFREEZE PROTECTION DAMPER POSITIONDamper position when freeze protection is active (closed or MINPOS).CO2 ZERO 0ppm 0 to 500 ppm;Increment by 10 CO 2 ppm level to match CO 2 sensor start level.CO2 SPAN 2000ppm 1000 to 3000 ppm;Increment by 50 CO 2 ppm span to match CO 2 sensor; e.g.: 500-1500 sensoroutput would be 500 CO 2 zero and 1000 CO 2 span.STG3 DLY 2.0h0 min, 5 min, 15min, then 15 minintervals. Up to4 hrs or OFFCOOLING STAGE 3 DELAYDelay after stage 2 cool has been active. Turns on second stageof cooling when economizer is first stage call and mechanicalcooling is second stage call. Allows three stages of cooling, 1economizer and 2 mechanical.OFF = no Stage 3 coolingSD DMPR POS CLO CLO or OPNIndicates shutdown signal from space thermostat or unitarycontroller. When controller receives 24 vac input on the SDterminal in conventional mode, the OA damper will open ifprogrammed for OPN and OA damper will close if programmedfor CLO. All other controls, e.g., fans, etc. will shut off.DA LO ALM 45°F (7°C)NONE35°F to 65°F(2°C to 18°C);Increment by 5°FUsed for alarm for when the DA air temperature is too low. Setlower range of alarm, below this temperature the alarm will showon the display.DA HI ALM 80°F (27°C)NONE70°F to 180°F(21°C to 82°C);Increment by 5°FUsed for alarm for when the DA air temperature is too high. Setsupper range of alarm; above this temperature, the alarm willshow on the display.DCVCAL ENA MAN MAN (manual)AUTOTurns on the DCV automatic control of the dampers. Resetsventilation based on the RA, OA, and MA sensor conditions.Requires all (RA, OA, MA, CO 2) sensors.This operation is not operable with a 2-speed fan unit.MAT T CAL 0.0°F ± 2.5°FSUPPLY AIR TEMPERATURE CALIBRATIONAllows for the operator to adjust for an out of calibrationtemperature sensor.OAS T CAL 0.0°F ± 2.5°FOUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE CALIBRATIONAllows for the operator to adjust for an out of calibrationtemperature sensor.OA H CAL 0% RH ±10% RHOUTSIDE AIR HUMIDITY CALIBRATIONAllows for operator to adjust for an out of calibration humiditysensor.Table 12 — W7220 Menu Structure* (cont)MENU PARAMETERPARAMETERDEFAULTVALUEPARAMETERRANGE ANDINCREMENT†EXPANDED PARAMETER NAMENotes