50TC*D14Thru--Base Connections —All units are equipped with the ability to bring utilitiesthrough the base.The electrical entrance is located in the control box areaand can be accessed through the control box access panel.An embossed area is provided with three knock outs. Highvoltage is brought through the multi knock out byremoving the appropriate size for the size of the fittingrequired. A 22 mm (7 / 8 --in.) knock out is provided for lowvoltage.All required fittings are field supplied. Install fittingswhen access to both top and bottom of the base pan isavailable.Units without Thru--Base Connections —1. Install conduit, liquid tight, between disconnect andcontrol box.2. Pull correctly rated high voltage wires through theconduit.3. Install power lines to terminal connections as shownin Fig. 17.All Units —Voltage to compressor terminals during operation must bewithin voltage range indicated on unit nameplate. On3--phase units, voltages between phases must be balancedwithin 2% and the current within 10%. Use the followingformula to determine the percent of voltage imbalance.% Voltage Imbalance = 100 x max voltage deviation from average voltageaverage voltageC09103Operation on improper line voltage or excessive phaseimbalance constitutes abuse and may cause damage toelectrical components. Such operation would invalidateany applicable Carrier warranty.Field Control Wiring —The 50TC*D unit requires an external temperature controldevice. This device can be a thermostat (field--supplied)or a PremierLink controller (available as factory--installedoption or as field--installed accessory, for use on a CarrierComfort Network or as a stand alone control) or theRTU--MP Controller for Building Management Systemsusing non--CCN protocols (RTU--MP is available as afactory--installed option only).Thermostat —Install a Carrier--approved accessory thermostat accordingto installation instructions included with the accessory.For complete economizer function, select a two--stagecooling thermostat. Locate the thermostat accessory on asolid wall in the conditioned space to sense averagetemperature in accordance with the thermostat installationinstructions.If the thermostat contains a logic circuit requiring 24--vpower, use a thermostat cable or equivalent single leads ofdifferent colors with minimum of seven leads. If thethermostat does not require a 24--v source (no “C”connection required), use a thermostat cable or equivalentwith minimum of six leads. Check the thermostatinstallation instructions for additional features whichmight require additional conductors in the cable.For wire runs up to 15 m (50 ft.), use no. 18 AWG(American Wire Gage) insulated wire (35_C minimum).For 15 to 23 m (50 to 75 ft.), use no. 16 AWG insulatedwire (35_C minimum). For over 23 m (75 ft.), use no. 14AWG insulated wire (35_C minimum). All wire sizeslarger than no. 18 AWG cannot be directly connected tothe thermostat and will require a junction box and spliceat the thermostat.TypicalThermostatCorrectionsCentralTerminalBoardW1Y2Y1RW2GCXW1Y2Y1RW2GCXT–STATCW2GW1O/B/Y2RY1(Note 1) (Note 2)(Note 3)Note 1: Typical multi-function marking. Follow manufacturer’s configurationinstructions to select Y2.Note 2: Y2 to Y2 connection required on single-stage cooling units whenintegrated economizer function is desiredNote 3: W2 connection not required on units with single-stage heating.Field WiringC09257Fig. 18 -- Typical Low--Voltage Control ConnectionsUnit without thru--base connection —Correctly rated low voltage wire can be routed through therubber grommet located on the corner post adjacent to thecontrol box access panel. Route wire through the grommetand then route the wire behind the corner post utilizing thefactory provided wire ties secured to the control box. Thiswill insure separation of the field low voltage wire and thehigh voltage circuit. Route the low voltage wire to thecentral terminal board. See Fig. 19.NOTE: If utilizing the through the base connections,route the low voltage wire through the wire ties to thecentral terminal board.Heat Anticipator Settings —Set heat anticipator settings at 0.14 amp for the first stageand 0.14 amp for second--stage heating, when available.