20S If a wiring fault between a sensor and the controller, thecontroller’s Trouble LED turns on but not the sensor’s.Alarm PowerTest/resetswitchTroubleC07298Fig. 26 -- Controller AssemblyNOTE: All troubles are latched by the duct smokedetector. The trouble condition must be cleared and thenthe duct smoke detector must be reset in order to restore itto the normal state.Resetting Alarm and Trouble Condition Trips:Manual reset is required to restore smoke detector systemsto Normal operation. For installations using two sensors,the duct smoke detector does not differentiate whichsensor signals an alarm or trouble condition. Check eachsensor for Alarm or Trouble status (indicated by LED).Clear the condition that has generated the trip at thissensor. Then reset the sensor by pressing and holding thereset button (on the side) for 2 seconds. Verify that thesensor’s Alarm and Trouble LEDs are now off. At thecontroller, clear its Alarm or Trouble state by pressing andholding the manual reset button (on the front cover) for 2seconds. Verify that the controller’s Alarm and TroubleLEDs are now off. Replace all panels.TROUBLESHOOTINGController’s Trouble LED is On1. Check the Trouble LED on each sensor connected tothe controller. If a sensor’s Trouble LED is on, de-termine the cause and make the necessary repairs.2. Check the wiring between the sensor and the control-ler. If wiring is loose or missing, repair or replace asrequired.Controller’s Trouble LED is Flashing1. One or both of the sensors is 100% dirty.2. Determine which Dirty LED is flashing then cleanthat sensor assembly as described in the detectorcleaning section.Sensor’s Trouble LED is On1. Check the sensor’s Dirty LED. If it is flashing, thesensor is dirty and must be cleaned.2. Check the sensor’s cover. If it is loose or missing, se-cure the cover to the sensor housing.3. Replace sensor assembly.Sensor’s Power LED is Off1. Check the controller’s Power LED. If it is off, de-termine why the controller does not have power andmake the necessary repairs.2. Check the wiring between the sensor and the control-ler. If wiring is loose or missing, repair or replace asrequired.Controller’s Power LED is Off1. Make sure the circuit supplying power to the control-ler is operational. If not, make sure JP2 and JP3 areset correctly on the controller before applying power.2. Verify that power is applied to the controller’s supplyinput terminals. If power is not present, replace or re-pair wiring as required.Remote Test/Reset Station’s Trouble LED DoesNot flash When Performing a Dirty Test, But theController’s Trouble LED Does1. Verify that the remote test/station is wired as shownin Fig. 23. Repair or replace loose or missing wiring.2. Configure the sensor dirty test to activate the control-ler’s supervision relay. See “Changing sensor dirtytest operation.”Sensor’s Trouble LED is On, But the Controller’sTrouble LED is OFFRemove JP1 on the controller.PROTECTIVE DEVICESCompressor ProtectionOvercurrentThe compressor has internal linebreak motor protection.OvertemperatureThe compressor has an internal protector to protect itagainst excessively high discharge gas temperatures.High Pressure SwitchThe system is provided with a high pressure switchmounted on the discharge line. The switch isstem--mounted and brazed into the discharge tube. Tripsetting is 630 psig +/-- 10 psig (4344 +/-- 69 kPa) whenhot. Reset is automatic at 505 psig (3482 kPa).Low Pressure SwitchThe system is protected against a loss of charge and lowevaporator coil loading condition by a low pressure switchlocated on the suction line near the compressor. Theswitch is stem--mounted. Trip setting is 54 psig +/-- 5 psig(372 +/-- 34 kPa). Reset is automatic at 117 +/-- 5 psig(807 +/-- 34 kPa).Evaporator Freeze ProtectionThe system is protected against evaporator coil frostingand low temperature conditions by a temperature switchmounted on the evaporator coil hairpin. Trip setting is30_F +/-- 5_F (--1_C +/-- 3_C). Reset is automatic at 45_F(7_C).Supply (Indoor) Fan Motor ProtectionDisconnect and lockout power when servicing fan motor.The standard supply fan motor is equipped with internalovercurrent and overtemperature protection. Protectiondevices reset automatically.50TC