4FIRE AND UNIT OPERATION HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personalinjury, death or property damage.Never operate your unit without filters in place. Anaccumulation of dust and lint on internal parts of your unitcan cause loss of efficiency.! WARNINGRETURNDUCT COVER(Remove forfilter access)SMALL CHASSIS A10063Fig. 3 -- Small Chassis Filter AccessLARGE CHASSISFILTERACCESSPANELA10062Fig. 4 -- Large Chassis Filter AccessReplacing or inspecting filters in units with econom-izersSmall Chassis (See Fig. 3)1. Remove return air duct cover at rear of unit using a 5/16--in.nut driver.2. Remove the filter(s) by pulling it out and through the unitduct opening. If filter is dirty, replace both filters with newones.When installing the new filters, note the direction of the airflowarrows on the filter frame, which should be pointing at the indoorcoil.3. Reinstall duct cover ensuring opening is air and water tight.Large Chassis (See Fig. 4)1. Remove filter access door using a 5/16--in. nut driver.2. Remove the filter(s) by pulling it out and through the unitfilter access door. If filter is dirty, replace both filters withnew ones.Units with bent indoor coils, install 24 x 18 x 1 (610 x 457 x 25mm) filter first and then install 24 x 16 x 1 (610 x 406 x 25) filter.When installing the new filters, note the direction of the airflowarrows on the filter frame, which should be pointing at the indoorcoil.3. Reinstall filter access door ensuring opening is air andwatertight.Fans and Fan MotorPeriodically check the condition of fan wheels and housings andfan--motor shaft bearings. Contact your dealer for the requiredannual maintenance.Indoor and Outdoor CoilsCleaning of the coils should only be done by qualified servicepersonnel. Contact your dealer for the required annualmaintenance.Condensate DrainThe drain pan and condensate drain line should be checked andcleaned at the same time the cooling coils are checked by yourdealer.CompressorAll compressors are factory shipped with a normal charge of thecorrect type and quantity of refrigeration grade oil. A compressorshould rarely require additional oil.Condenser FanPERSONAL INJURY AND UNIT DAMAGEHAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personalinjury, death or property damage.Do not poke sticks, screwdrivers, or any other object intorevolving fan blades.! WARNINGThe fan must be kept free of all obstructions to ensure propercooling. Contact your dealer for any required service.Electrical Controls and WiringElectrical controls are difficult to check without properinstrumentation. If there are any discrepancies in the operatingcycle, contact your local dealer and request service.