heating air delivery temperature and provides approxi-mately 350 CFM per ton cooling airflow for goodhumidity removal.(3.) HP-EFF (Factory Selected for 50XZ)— Heat PumpEfficiency provides same airflow for heating andcooling modes to increase overall HP efficiency;approximately 350 CFM per ton.d. AC/HP CFM ADJUST—SELECT NOMINAL, LOW, ORHIGH AIRFLOWThe AC/HP CFM Adjust select is factory set to theHigh-Hi (NOM for 060) tap. The CFM Adjust selectionsNOM/LO will regulate airflow supplied for all operationalmodes, except non-heat pump heating modes. HI provides15 percent airflow over nominal unit size selected and LOprovides 10 percent airflow below nominal unit sizeselected. CFM Adjust selection options are provided toadjust airflow supplied to meet individual installationneeds for such things as noise, comfort, and humidityremoval (See Fig. 20, D as indicated).e. ON/OFF DELAY—SELECT DESIREDTIME DELAY PROFILEFour motor operation delay profiles are provided to cus-tomize and enhance system operation (See Fig. 20, E asindicated).Selection options are:(1.) The standard 90 sec off delay (Factory Setting) at 100percent airflow in cooling or heat pump heating mode.(2.) A 30 sec cooling delay with no airflow, 90 sec offdelay at 100 percent airflow profile is used when it isdesirable to allow system coils time to heat-up/cool-down in conjunction with the airflow in cooling orheat pump heating mode.(3.) A no delay option used for servicing unit or when athermostat is utilized to perform delay functions.(4.) ENH, enhanced selection, provides a 30 sec cooling ondelay with no airflow, plus 150 sec at 70 percentairflow and no off delay for added comfort.This will minimize cold blow in heat pump operationand could enhance system efficiency.f. CONTINUOUS FAN—SELECT DESIRED FAN SPEEDWHEN THERMOSTAT IS SET ON CONTINUOUS FAN(1.) LO speed—Factory setting, 50 percent cooling modeairflow.(2.) MED speed—Move connector to MED, 65 percentcooling mode airflow.(3.) HI speed—Move connector to HI, 100 percent coolingmode airflow (See Fig. 20, F as indicated).g. LOW-VOLTAGE CIRCUIT FUSING AND REFER-ENCEThe low-voltage circuit is fused by a board-mounted5–amp automotive fuse placed in series with the trans-former SEC2 and the R circuit. The C circuit of thetransformer is referenced to chassis ground through aprinted circuit run at SEC1 connected to metal standoffmarked with ground symbol.h. BASIC UNIT CONFIGURATIONThe following basic configuration of the indoor motor willprovide ARI rated performance of the System. This BASICCONFIGURATION should be used when the rated ARIperformance is required, or if system enhancements suchas super dehumidify are not needed.(1.) AUX HEAT kW/CFM-Select the heater range for thesize of electric heater installed (skip this step if noheater is installed).(2.) AC/HP SIZE-Factory selected to match system sizeinstalled, please verify.(3.) SYSTEM TYPE-Factory selected HP-EFF (for unit50XZ).Fig. 13—Electrical Data LegendC03014228 = 1 v229 = 2 v227 = 2 vLEGENDFLA — Full Load AmpsLRA — Locked Rotor AmpsMCA -- Minimum Circuit AmpsMOCP — Maximum Overcurrent ProtectionRLA — Rated Load AmpsNO TES:1. In compliance with NEC (National Electrical Code) requirementsfor multimotor and combination load equipment (refer to NE CArticles 430 and 440), the overcurrent protective device for theunit shall be Power Supply fuse. The CGA (Canadian GasAssociation) units may be fuse or circuit break er.2. Minimum wire size is based on 60 C copper wire. I f other than60 C wire is used, or if length exceeds wire length in table,determine siz e from NEC..3. Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply VoltageNever operate a motor where a phase imbalance in supply volt-age is greater than 2%. Use the following formula to determinethe percentage of voltage imbalance.% Voltage imbalancemax voltage deviation from average voltage= 100 x average voltageEXAMPLE: Supply voltage is 230-3-60.AB = 228 vBC = 231 vAC = 227 v228 + 231 + 227Average Voltage = 3686= 3= 229Determine maximum deviation from average voltage.(AB) 229 -(BC) 231 -(AC) 229 -Maximum deviation is 2 v.Determine percent of voltage imbalance.2% Voltage Imbalance = 100 x 229= 0.8%This amount of phase imbalance is satisfactory as it is below themaximum allowable 2%.IMPORTANT: If the supply voltage phase imbalance ismore than 2%, contact your local electric utility companyimmediately.®* Heater capacity (kW) based on heater voltage of 208v & 240v.If power distibution voltage to unit varies from rated heatervoltage, heater kW will vary accordingly.12