6ELECTRICAL DATAELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personalinjury or death and/or property damageDO NOT alter cord or plug or use an extension cord.! WARNINGPOWER CONNECTION OPTIONSAppropriate power cord accessory kit is determinedby the voltage, and amperage of the branch circuit.The unit does not come with a power cord (orhard wire kit). An accessory power cord kit mustbe ordered to connect the unit to the outlet. If theunit is to be hard wired, an accessory hard wire kitmust be ordered.IMPORTANT: For 265V units, if power cordaccessory option is selected, the cord is only 18”long and must plug into the accessory electrical265V subbase.Be sure that your outlet matches the appropriate bladeconfiguration of the plug and that it is within reach ofthe service cord.All wiring, including installation of the receptacle,must be in accordance with the NEC and local codes,ordinances and regulations. National codes requirethe use of an arc fault or leakage current detectiondevice on all 208/230V power cords. Be sure to selectthe correct cord for your installation.ALL UNITSWire SizeUse recommended wire size given in Table 1 andinstall a single branch circuit. All wiring mustcomply with local and national codes. All units aredesigned to operate off ONE single branch circuitsonly.NOTE: Use copper conductors only.Table 1—SUGGESTED BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRE SIZES*NAMEPLATE AMPS AWG WIRE SIZE{7.0 to 12 1412.1 to 16 1216.1 to 24 10LEGENDAWG --- American Wire Gauge* Single circuit from main box.{ Based on copper wire at 60_C temperature rating.GroundingFor safety and protection, the unit is groundedthrough the service cord plug or through separateground wire provided on hard wired units. Be surethat the branch circuit or general purpose outlet isgrounded.VOLTAGE SUPPLYCheck voltage supply at outlet. For satisfactoryresults, the voltage range must always be within theranges found on the data information plate.Cord--connected UnitsThe 250--v field supplied outlet must match the plugfor the standard 208/230--v units and be within reachof the service cord. The standard cord--connected265--v units require an accessory electrical subbasefor operation. Refer to Table 2 for proper receptacleand fuse type.Power Cord ProtectionThe power cord for 230/208v units provide powercord fire protection. Unit power automaticallydisconnects when unsafe conditions are detected.Power to the unit can be restored by pressing the resetbutton on plug head.Upon completion of unit installation for 230/208Vmodels, an operational check should be performedusing the TEST/RESET buttons on the plug head.NOTE: The 265v models do not incorporate thisfeature as they require use of the electrical subbaseaccessory.Table 2—RECEPTACLES AND FUSE TYPES -- 250, 265 VOLTSRECEPTACLEAMPS 15 20 30 15 20 30RATED VOLTS 250 250 250 265 265 265TIME ---DELAY TYPE FUSE(or HACR Circuit Breaker) 15 20* 30 15 20 30LEGENDHACR --- Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration* May be used fro 15 ---amp applications