3. Melted ignitor/relay control.4. Air band or air turbulator settings more open than normal.5. Lockouts on start-up.The requirements for combustion and ventilation air depend uponwhether the furnace is located in a CONFINED or UNCONFINEDspace.Step 3-Unconfined SpaceAn unconfined space must have at least 50 cu ft for each 1000Btuh of total input for all the appliances (such as furnaces, clothesdryers, water heaters, etc.) in the space. (See Table 2.)In unconfined spaces in buildings of conventional frame, brick, orstone construction, infiltration MAY be adequate to provide air forcombustion, ventilation, and dilution of flue gases. This determi-nation must be made on an individual installation basis and musttake into consideration the overall volume of unconfined space, thenumber of windows and ventilation openings, the number of doorsto the outside, internal doors which can close off unconfined space,and overall tightness of building construction. Consideration mustalso be given to the amount of storage items (furniture, boxes, etc.)within the unconfined space which take away from the air volume.Many new buildings and homes (and older ones that have beenweatherized) MUST BE considered as being of tight construction,therefore, infiltration will not be sufficient to supply necessary airfor combustion and ventilation.A building can be considered as being of tight construction when:• Walls and ceilings exposed to outside atmosphere have acontinuous water vapor retarder with a rating of 1 perm or lesswith openings gasketed or sealed, and/or• Weatherstripping has been added on operable windows anddoors, and/or• Caulking or sealants are applied to areas such as joints aroundwindow and door frames; between sole plates and floors;between wall-ceiling joints; between wall panels; at penetra-tions for plumbing, electrical, and fuel lines; and at otheropenings.If combustion and ventilation air must be supplied to an uncon-fined space from outside, an opening with a FREE AREA of notless than 1 sq in. per 1000 Btuh of total input of all applianceswithin unconfined space (but not less than 100 sq in.) must beprovided. This opening must be located such that it can not beblocked at any time.Step 4-Confined SpaceA confined space has a volume of less than 50 cu ft per 1000 Btuhof the total input rating for all appliances installed in that space.When furnace is installed in a closet or enclosure, 2 ventilationopenings, with OPEN AREA as dimensioned in example beloware required for combustion air. The openings should be locatedabout 6 in. from top and bottom of enclosure at front of furnace.(See Table 3.)NOTE: In calculating free area, consideration shall be given toblocking effect of louvers, grilles, or screens protecting openings.Screens used shall not be smaller than 1/4 in. mesh and shall bereadily accessible for cleaning. If free area through a design oflouver or grille is known, it shall be used in calculating size designand free area specified. If design and free area are not known, itmay be assumed that wood louvers have 20 percent free area andmetal louvers and grilles have 60 percent free area. Louvers shallbe fixed in open position or interlocked with furnace so they openautomatically at furnace start-up and remain open during furnaceoperation.The size of the openings depends upon whether the air comes fromoutside of the structure or an unconfined space inside the structure.ALL AIR FROM INSIDE THE STRUCTUREFor a confined space, where air is taken from an interior space, 2permanent openings of equal area are required. One opening mustbe within 12 in. of ceiling and the other within 12 in. of floor. Eachopening must have a free area of at least 1 sq in. per 1000 Btuh oftotal input rating but not less than 100 sq in. (See Table 4.)ALL AIR FROM OUTSIDE OF STRUCTUREIf outside air is supplied to a confined space, then the 2 openingsmust be equal and located as above.1. If combustion air is taken through a permanent openingdirectly communicating with the outdoors, the opening shallhave a minimum free area of 1 sq in. per 4000 Btuh of totalinput rating for all equipment in the enclosure.2. If combustion air is taken from outdoors through verticalducts, the openings and ducts MUST have at least 1 sq in. offree area per 4000 Btuh of the total input for all equipmentwithin the confined space. (See Table 5.)3. If combustion air is taken from outdoors through horizontalducts, the openings and ducts MUST have at least 1 sq in. offree area per 2000 Btuh of the total input for all equipmentwithin the confined space. (See Table 6.)When ducts are used to supply air, they must be of the same crosssectional area as free area of openings to which they connect.The minimum dimension of rectangular air ducts must not be lessthan 3 in.Table 2-Minimum Floor AreaFor Unconfined Space58CLA FURNACEINPUT BTUHMINIMUM SQ FT WITH7-1/2 FT CEILING70,000 46791,000 607105,000 700119,000 793140,000 933154,000 1026Table 3-Combustion Air From Confined Space58CLA FURNACEINPUT BTUHLENGTH(IN.)HEIGHT(IN.)70,000-105,000 16 8154,000 20 10Table 4-Combustion Air FromUnconfined Space58CLA FURNACEINPUT BTUHFREE AREA PEROPENING(SQ IN.)70,000 10091,000 100105,000 105119,000 119140,000 140154,000 1544