Copyright 2000 Carrier Corporation Form 58MXA-9PDProductData58MXAHighly-Efficient 4-Way MultipoiseFixed-Capacity Direct-VentDeluxe Condensing Gas FurnaceSeries 140 & 150Input Capacities: 40,000 thru 138,000 Btuh4-Way Multipoise DesignAllows More Applications . . .The model 58MXA is a must for yourproduct line. This high-efficiencyfurnace allows more applications withits reliable 4-way multipoise design.The model 58MXA is available in 12heat/airflow combinations and with the4-way multipoise design can beinstalled in upflow, downflow, orhorizontal positions covering up to 48different applications. With theexception of the 140 size unit, all58MXA models can be installed in amanufactured (mobile) home when theoptional kit is used. The furnace isfactory configured for upflowapplication.This versatile unit utilizes hot surfaceignition (HSI) which ignites the burnersdirectly. HSI eliminates gas waste thattypical continuous-pilot designs canbring. Hot surface ignition providesreliable start-up and operation.Take a look at the control center onmodel 58MXA. Control of ignition,inducer, and blower operation is allhandled in 1 central printed circuitboard. The status indicator on thecontrol signals when a fault hasoccurred and identifies where theproblem is. This, along with thecomponent test feature, makes the58MXA one of the easiest gas furnacesto troubleshoot.High efficiency is achieved bymaximizing heat transfer. The model58MXA uses 100 percent outdoor airfor combustion in a sealed-combustionsystem. The result is energy-savingefficiency, up to 95.5 percent (Pg. 12)Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency(AFUE), and reduced operational noise.The model 58MXA is one of thequietest furnaces in the industry.A unique feature of this unit is thepatented polypropylene-laminatedheat exchanger. This secondary heat®• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •U L T R A H I G H E F F I C I E N C YG A S F U R N A N C E®