®Copyright 1996 Carrier Corporation Form No. 58PAV-6PDProductData58PAVHigh-EfficiencyInduced-CombustionUpflow FurnaceInput Capacities:45,000 thru 155,000 Btuh80% AFUE At Budget PriceCarrier provides an 80% AnnualFuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE)gas furnace for the budget consciousconsumer and builder. The 58PAVoffers the same high quality youdemand and receive from Carrier.The cabinet is constructed from aspecially selected galvanized steel.There is also double protection for thecabinet. First, a galvanized steelsubstrate provides resistance to rusting.Then the cabinet is constructed ofprepainted steel — the same high-quality finish found on refrigeratorsand dishwashers.The 58PAV offers a hot surfaceignition system which provides asuperior and more reliable ignitionsystem than older spark relightsystems.The heat exchangers areconstructed of aluminized steel andcovered by a 20-year LimitedWarranty. They are Carrier’spatented Super-S heat exchangersthat improve heat transfer and enabledownsizing of this furnace to only40-in. tall.To improve the sound level, wehave incorporated a soft mountinducer assembly and a slow openinggas valve.The control board is the brain ofthis induced-combustion gas furnace.It offers a unique self-test featurethat checks all the major functions ofthe furnace within 1 minute. Thecontrol board also features a 3-ampfuse that protects the transformerand control board. Another featureon the control board is a LED statusindicator light to ensure top furnaceperformance.