59CU5A: Installation, Start-up, Operating and Service and Maintenance InstructionsManufacturer reserves the right to change, at any time, specifications and designs without notice and without obligations.11L12F012Fig. 8 – Air for Combustion, Ventilation, and Dilution for OutdoorsL12F013Fig. 9 – Air for Combustion, Ventilation, and Dilution from IndoorsCONDENSATE TRAPThe condensate trap is a field installed trap. A bag of loose parts neededto install the trap is provided with the furnace. How to install the trap isshown in the Installation section of this manual. Only use the trapprovided with the furnace.Condensate Drain ConnectionDO NOT trap condensate water in the drain line in any other locationthan at the condensate drain trap supplied with the furnace. If possible,DO NOT route the drain line where it may freeze. The drain line mustterminate at an inside drain to prevent freezing of the condensate andpossible property damage.Special precautions MUST be made if installing furnace in an areawhich may drop below 32° F (0° C). This can cause improper operationor damage to the equipment. If the furnace environment has the potentialof freezing, the drain trap and drain line must be protected. In areaswhere the temperature may be below 32° F (0° C), a Condensate FreezeProtection heat tape kit is strongly recommended. Refer to the Accessorysection of the Product DataSpecification for current kit number. Aself-regulating, shielded and waterproof heat tape rated at 3 to 6 watt perfoot (10 to 20 watt per meter) at 115 volt, 40°F (4°C) may be used toprovide freeze protection of the remaining condensate drain line. Wrapthe drain trap and drain line with the heat tape and secure withappropriate plastic ties. Follow the heat tape manufacturer’srecommendations. Prime the trap before furnace operation.The condensate drain line must be supported and/or secured per localcodes. Supports and clamps should be spaced to prevent the drain linefrom sagging or being dislocated from the furnace or termination point.In the absence of local codes, consult the current edition of the NationalStandard Plumbing Code, in the U.S.An indoor coil condensate drain or humidifier drain can be connected tothe external furnace condensate drain provided:• The drains are not hard piped together, andWARNING!CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING AND PROPERTYDAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in property damage, personalinjury or death.The condensate trap provided with furnace must be installed per thefurnace installation instructions. Do not modify the trap or substitute adifferent trap.*Minimum dimensions of 3‐in. (76mm)NOTE: Use any of the following combinations of openings:A & B, C & D, D & E, F & G* Minimum opening size is 100 sq in. (64516 sq. mm) withminimum dimensions of 3‐in. (76mm) Minimum of 3‐in. (76mm) when type‐B1 vent is used.NOTICE!The condensate trap extends below the underside of the casing in thehorizontal position. A minimum of 6⅜-in. of physical clearance isrequired and 1-in. of additional clearance is recommended between thecasing side and the furnace platform for the trap to extend out of thecasing in the horizontal position. Allow at least 1/4-in. per foot of slopedown.CAUTION!FROZEN AND BURST WATER PIPE HAZARDFailure to protect against the risk of freezing may result in propertydamage.Special precautions MUST be made if installing furnace in an areawhich may drop below freezing. This can cause improper operation ordamage to equipment. If furnace environment has the potential offreezing, the drain trap and drain line must be protected. The use ofaccessory electric heat tape and/or RV antifreeze is required for theseinstallations.CAUTION!PROPERTY DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in burst water pipes and/orproperty damage.If a condensate pump is installed, a plugged condensate drain or a failedpump may cause the furnace to shut down. Do not leave the homeunattended during freezing weather without turning off water supplyand draining water pipes or otherwise protecting against the risk offrozen pipes.