T-368 5–2Air exchange depends on static pressure differential,which will vary depending on the container and how thecontainer is loaded.Units may be equipped with a vent position sensor(VPS). The VPS determines the position of the fresh airvent (upper or lower, as equipped) and sends data tothe controller display.5.3.1 Upper Fresh Air Makeup VentTwo slots and a stop are designed into the Upper FreshAir disc for air flow adjustments. The first slot allows fora 0 to 30% air flow; the second slot allows for a 30 to100% air flow.To adjust the percentage of air flow, loosen the wingnut and rotate the disc until the desired percentage ofair flow matches with the arrow. Tighten the wing nut.To clear the gap between the slots, loosen the wing nutuntil the disc clears the stop.Figure 5.2 gives air exchange values for an empty con-tainer. Higher values can be expected for a fully loaded con-tainer.Figure 5.2 Make Up Air Flow Chart5.3.2 Vent Position SensorThe VPS allows the user to determine position of thefresh air vent via Cd45. This function code is accessi-ble via the code select key.The vent position will display for 30 seconds whenevermotion corresponding to 5CMH (3CFM) or greater isdetected. It will scroll in intervals of 5CMH (3CFM).Scrolling to Cd45 will display the Fresh Air Vent Position.The position of the vent will be recorded in the Data-CORDER whenever the unit is running under ACpower and any of the following:Trip startOn every power cycleMidnightManual change greater than 5 CMH (3 CFM)and remains in that position for at least fourminutesNOTEThe user has four minutes to make neces-sary adjustments to the vent setting. Thistime calculation begins on the initial move-ment of the sensor. The vent can be movedto any position within the four minutes. Oncompletion of the first four minutes, the ventis required to remain stable for the next fourminutes. If vent position changes aredetected during the four minute stabilityperiod, an alarm will be generated. This pro-vides the user with the ability to change thevent setting without generating multipleevents in the DataCORDER.5.4 CONNECT REMOTE MONITORING RECEPTA-CLEIf remote monitoring is required, connect remote moni-tor plug at the unit receptacle, see Figure 3.5.When the remote monitor plug is connected to theremote monitoring receptacle, the following remote cir-cuits are energized:5.5 STARTING AND STOPPING INSTRUCTIONSWARNING!Make sure that the unit circuit breaker(s)(CB-1 & CB-2) and the START-STOP switch0501001502002500 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100TBAR1 1/2”TBAR2 5/8”TBAR 3”AIR FLOW(CMH) 50HZPERCENT OPEN0501001502002503000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100TBAR1 1/2”TBAR2 5/8”TBAR 3”AIR FLOW(CMH) 60HZPERCENT OPENCIRCUIT FUNCTIONSockets B to A Energizes remote cool lightSockets C to A Energizes remote defrost lightSockets D to A Energizes remote in-range lightDownloaded from ManualsNet.com search engine