3−17 T-3643.7.13 DataCORDER AlarmsThe alarm display is an independent DataCORDERfunction. If an operating parameter is outside of the ex-pected range or a component does not return the cor-rect values to the DataCORDER, an alarm is generated.The DataCORDER contains a buffer of up to eightalarms. A listing of the DataCORDER alarms is pro-vided in Table 3−10, page 3−42. Refer to paragraph3.7.7 for configuration information.To display alarm codes:a. While in the Default Display mode, press the ALT.MODE & ALARM LIST keys. This accesses the Data-CORDER Alarm List Display Mode, which displaysany alarms stored in the alarm queue.b. To scroll to the end of the alarm list, press the UP AR-ROW. Depressing the DOWN ARROW key will scrollthe list backward.c. The left display will show “AL#” where # is the alarmsnumber in the queue. The right display will show“AA##,” if the alarm is active, where ## is the alarmnumber. “IA##,” will show if the alarm is inactived. “END” is displayed to indicate the end of the alarm listif any alarms are active. “CLEAr” is displayed if all thealarms in the list are inactive.e. If no alarms are active, the alarm queue may becleared. The exception to this rule is the DataCORD-ER alarm queue Full alarm (AL91), which does nothave to be inactive in order to clear the alarm list. Toclear the alarm list:1. Press the ALT. MODE & ALARM LIST keys.2. Press the UP/DOWN ARROW key until “CLEAr” isdisplayed.3. Press the ENTER key. The alarm list will clear and“‐‐‐‐‐” will be displayed.4. Press the ALARM LIST key. “AL” will show on the leftdisplay and “‐‐‐‐‐” on the right display when there areno alarms in the list.5. Upon clearing of the alarm queue, the alarm light willbe turned off.3.7.14 ISO Trip HeaderDataLINE provides the user with an interface to view/modify current settings of the ISO trip header throughthe ISO Trip Header screen.The ISO Trip Header screen is displayed when the userclicks on the “ISO Trip Header” button in the “Trip Func-tions” Group Box on the System Tools screen.F9 function - Provides the user with a shortcut for manu-ally triggering the refresh operation. Before sendingmodified parameter values, the user must ensure that asuccessful connection is established with the controller.If the connection is established with the DataCORDER,the current contents of the ISO Trip Header from the Da-taCORDER will be displayed in each field. If the connec-tion is not established with the DataCORDER, all fieldson the screen will be displayed as “Xs.” If at any time dur-ing the display of the ISO Trip Header screen the con-nection is not established or is lost, the user is alerted tothe status of the connection.After modifying the values and ensuring a successfulconnection has been made with the DataCORDER,click on the “Send” button to send the modified parame-ter values.The maximum allowed length of the ISO Trip Header is128 characters. If the user tries to refresh the screen orclose the utility without sending the changes made onthe screen to the DataCORDER, the user is alerted witha message.