4signifies a hazard which could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION isused to identify unsafe practices which may result in minor personal injury orproduct and property damage. NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which willresult in enhanced installation, reliability, or operation.INTRODUCTIONCarrier’s Comfortt Series programmable thermostats are wall--mounted,low--voltage thermostats which maintain room temperature by controlling theoperation of a heating and/or air conditioning system. Both heat pump and airconditioner models are available, each in programmable and non--programmableversions. A variety of features are provided including battery operation, separateheating and cooling setpoints, auto changeover, keypad lockout, backlighting,and built--in installer test. Programming features include 7--day (all days thesame) and 5/2 (Mon--Fri and Sat--Sun) with 2 or 4 periods per day.This Installation Instruction covers installation, configuration, and startup of allfour versions of the Comfort Series line of thermostats. For operational details,consult the Owner’s Manual for the specific thermostat you are installing.INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONSModelsThere are four models in the Comfort Series: programmable andnon--programmable, AC and HP. Models TC--PAC and TC--NAC are designed forAC systems, controlling one stage of cooling and one stage of heating. They will notoperate a heat pump. Models TC--PHP and TC--NHP are designed for HP systems,controlling one stage of cooling and two stages of heating. They can be converted toAC operation. Select the appropriate model for the intended application.