82APPENDIX A — LOCAL DISPLAY TABLESMODE — RUN STATUSITEM EXPANSION UNITS RANGE COMMENT WRITESTATUS CCN TABLE CCN POINT PAGENO.VIEW AUTO VIEW OF RUN STATUS 3,33,75EWT Entering Fluid Temp XXXX.X(deg F/deg C)0-100 STATEGEN EWT 23LWT Leaving Fluid Temp XXX.X(deg F/deg C)0-100 STATEGEN LWT 23SETP Active Setpoint XXX.X(deg F/deg C)0-100 GENUNIT SPCTPT Control Point XXX.X(deg F/deg C)0-100 GENUNIT CTRL_PNT 23,44STAT Unit Run Status 0=Off1=Running2=Stopping3=DelayGENUNIT STATUS 32,33,76OCC Occupied NO/YES GENUNIT CHIL_OCC 32CTRL Status Unit Control Typ 0=Local Off1=Local On2=CCN3=RemoteGENUNIT ctr_type 32CAP Percent Total Capacity XXX (%) 0-100 GENUNIT CAP_TCAP.S Capacity Indicator XX over_cap 22LIM Active Demand Limit Val XXX (%) 0-100 GENUNIT DEM-LIMSTGE Current Stage XX cur_stagALRM Alarm State 0=Normal1=Partial2=ShutdownGENUNIT ALMHC.ST Heat Cool Status 0=Cooling1=Heating2=StandbyGENUNIT HEATCOOL 23RC.ST Reclaim Select Status NO/YES GENUNIT reclaim_selTIME Time of Day XX.XX 00.00-23.59 N/A TIMEMNTH Month of Year 1=January2=February3=March4-April5=May6=June7=July8=August9=September10=October11=November12=DecemberN/A moyDATE Day of Month XX 1-31 N/A domYEAR Year of Century XX 00-99 N/A yocR.CCN CCN FOR PRODIALOGCH.SS CCN Chiller Start Stop ENBL/DSBL forcible GENUNIT CHIL_S_SHC.SL Heat Cool Select 0=Cool1=Heat2=Autoforcible GENUNIT HC_SEL 68C.OCC Chiller Occupied NO/YES forcible GENUNIT CHIL_OCCRECL Reclaim Select NO/YES forcible GENUNIT RECL_SELSP.OC Setpoint Occupied NO/YES forcible GENUNIT SP_OCC 32D.LIM Active Demand Limit Val XXX (%) 0-100 forcible GENUNIT DEM_LIMCTRL Control Point XXX.X(deg F/deg C)0-100 forcible GENUNIT CTRL_PNTEMGY Emergency Stop ENBL/DSBL forcible GENUNIT EMSTOPRUN UNIT RUN HOUR AND STARTHRS.U Machine Operating Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible hr_machSTR.U Machine Starts XXXX 0-9999 forcible STRTHOUR st_machHR.P1 Water Pump 1 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible FANHOURS hr_cpum1HR.P2 Water Pump 2 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible FANHOURS hr_cpum2HR.CD Heat Reclaim Pump Hours XXXX (hours) forcible FANHOURS hr_hpump 49HOUR COMPRESSOR RUN HOURSHR.A1 Compressor A1 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR hr_cp_a1HR.A2 Compressor A2 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR hr_cp_a2HR.A3 Compressor A3 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR hr_cp_a3HR.A4 Compressor A4 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR hr_cp_a4HR.B1 Compressor B1 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR hr_cp_b1HR.B2 Compressor B2 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR hr_cp_b2HR.B3 Compressor B3 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR hr_cp_b3HR.B4 Compressor B4 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR hr_cp_b4HR.C1 Compressor C1 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR hr_cp_c1HR.C2 Compressor C2 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR hr_cp_c2HR.C3 Compressor C3 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR hr_cp_c3HR.C4 Compressor C4 Run Hours XXXX (hours) 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR hr_cp_c4STRT COMPRESSOR STARTSST.A1 Compressor A1 Starts XXXX 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR st_cp_a1ST.A2 Compressor A2 Starts XXXX 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR st_cp_a2ST.A3 Compressor A3 Starts XXXX 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR st_cp_a3ST.A4 Compressor A4 Starts XXXX 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR st_cp_a4ST.B1 Compressor B1 Starts XXXX 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR st_cp_b1ST.B2 Compressor B2 Starts XXXX 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR st_cp_b2ST.B3 Compressor B3 Starts XXXX 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR st_cp_b3ST.B4 Compressor B4 Starts XXXX 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR st_cp_b4ST.C1 Compressor C1 Starts XXXX 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR st_cp_c1ST.C2 Compressor C2 Starts XXXX 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR st_cp_c2ST.C3 Compressor C3 Starts XXXX 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR st_cp_c3ST.C4 Compressor C4 Starts XXXX 0-999000* forcible STRTHOUR st_cp_c4